Saturday, December 12, 2015

Is the Past...Past?

"Insight is the booby prize of life" -David Levy, psychologist and author

A question that comes up occasionally with prospective clients in my hypnosis counseling practice is whether we have to extensively explore their past in order for the them to achieve their goals. Is it necessary to drift back in time and "set things straight" ?

This belief comes from the field of "psychodynamic therapy."  Figures such as Sigmund Freud insisted that present problems of thought and behavior had their origin in childhood experiences, the memories of which were often repressed from conscious awareness. The process then would be to reconnect to those memories, create an awareness of how the negative patterns came to be and that once you have this knowledge in your conscious awareness, you can resolve them. In this model Insight=Healing.

However, there is little evidence that this is an effective approach and actually it has the potential for harm. One danger is the phenomena known as "false memories," where a suggestible individual begins to "remember" events that didn't happen, especially if the therapist asks leading questions. Quite a few individuals had their lives ruined by accusations made because of false memories of abuse that never took place except in the accuser's imagination.

Another pitfall to consider is that what is called "repression" may actually be a healthy coping strategy-that there can be some very good reasons to push negative memories out of conscious awareness. Ponder this: if remembering trauma was curative, post-traumatic stress (PTS) would simply heal itself quite rapidly since the person is repeatedly experiencing the upsetting event as if were happening now. PTS is really a problem of remembering too well.

So as a rule a very small percentage of my interactions with clients involve exploring the past. One exception is having them retrieve some good, empowering memories so we have some positive anchors to work with-and you would be surprised how many people seem to have repressed those!

But what if you are carrying around a lot of negative memories and imprints-what can be done?

Current thinking suggests that while you cannot alter the past, practices such as mindfulness and self-hypnosis can help you learn to live more fully in the present moment. Thanks to what is called neuroplasticity, with some persistence you can rewire patterns and associations in the brain that may be keeping you tethered to a negative past. The past does not have to determine your future!

If you have any questions, I'm here to help. Feel free to connect by calling (732) 714-7040.

Friday, December 4, 2015

Tinnitus Tragedy Considered

I came across a rather sad news story online today regarding a boat skipper from Northern Wales who committed suicide 6 days after being told his tinnitus was incurable and was offered no hope or apparent guidance on how to cope.

Described as a proud man with a strong personality, he had been struggling with tinnitus and hyper-sensitivity to sound for about 6 months.

A coroner's inquest was held and during the hearing one family member stated, "He was just told to get on with it. There was no bit of encouragement, no hope of improvement."

Although the coroner did not believe there was any malpractice involved, she did state, "...I feel very strongly that there should be a more robust and proactive approach when someone is given a prognosis in which there is no hope for cure or improvement."

Notice how the word hope is rather prominent here?

This incident may reflect a problem inherent with modern medicine where specialists deal with one specific area and tend to ignore anything that doesn't fall within their bailiwick.

Yet the whole person does need to be considered in all healing situations.  Personally I cannot think of anything more tragic than when the thoughtless and careless communication of a person in authority such as a doctor drives someone into a state of utter despair and panic.

Talk about negative hypnosis and the misuse of suggestion! Is it really any surprise this person acted as he did if he fully accepted the idea that he was a hopeless case? Makes sense in a sad sort of way.

The truth is that while it is not always possible to do something about the neurological signal that creates the unwanted sounds of tinnitus, there are plenty of strategies than can help a person learn to cope with that experience and to become less bothered by it-to regain your quality of life.

Another truth is that there is usually no magic bullet and that a number of strategies may need to be tried until you find an adequate level of relief or what is called "habituation" to the tinnitus, so this may take some time. Taking a holistic approach that includes mind/body healing methods such as self-hypnosis and mindfulness meditation can make this process more comfortable for you.

Probably the most important idea you can take away from this tragedy is this: never, ever, under any circumstances, let anyone take your hope from you!

And if you have thoughts about harming yourself, you have to call the appropriate emergency services in your community without hesitation-no debate on this point.

Please feel free to connect if you have any questions, I'm here to help!

Source article:

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Is Hypnosis Real?

"I don't believe hypnosis is real," huffs the smirking, uber-skeptical guy, "I only go with established scientific facts and I think its all just a farce for the hopelessly gullible."

Over the years I have encountered a number of such individuals and get the impression that they derive a certain smug satisfaction out of being a buzz-kill! Yet in the past decade enough cutting edge research has been done in neuroscience that pretty much shuts down the argument that hypnosis is somehow fake.

Of particular note is an article published by Stanford University "Research supports the notion that hypnosis can alter perception" that details how modern brain imaging techniques prove that the same areas of the brain "light up" when someone is actually performing a given visual task or when a hypnotized person is asked to imagine it.

This type of research involves the use of PET scans, which can provide real time data on the the blood flow to particular regions of the brain. This increase or decrease of blood flow to those structures indicate whether they are becoming more or less active.

In other studies it has been shown that while hypnotized volunteers and a control group both showed activity in the somatosensory cortex (which processes physical sensations) when exposed to a painful stimuli, the activity of the anterior cingulate cortex (which modulates suffering-the emotional response) decreased in those who received suggestions related to pain reduction.

In the 1700's Ben Franklin sat on a French panel that was investigating the controversial healing claims of Franz Anton Mesmer, considered one of the founding fathers of what we now call hypnosis. Mesmer maintained his powers stemmed from what he described as  "animal magnetism" -a mysterious force that he was able to channel into his patients to cure their ills.

In the course of the inquiry Franklin came  to disagree with this explanation and eventually concluded that the healing effects were due to something going on in the patient's imagination. Flash forward 200 years and neuroscience not only agrees with this but proves that just because something is imagined, it doesn't mean its not real!

Hypnosis has been around in one form or another for thousands of years for a reason, it works. Its just nice that science is catching up and validating its effectiveness. Never underestimate what your mind can create, whether it be for good or ill. What would you like to create?

Do feel free to connect if you have any questions, I'm here to help! The office telephone number here is (732) 714-7040.

P.S. If you find this sort of thing interesting, do sign up for my free online Mind/Body Healing Course. 

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Extraordinary Healing, Ordinary Miracle- A Review

Extraordinary Healing, Ordinary Miracle: Choosing WellBeing Over Fighting Cancer by Patricia French Crilly, R.N. is a rather remarkable book that details the author's triumph over invasive ovarian cancer while eschewing the standard post-surgery protocol of chemo and radiation therapy.

An intriguing tale to start with, what it made it even a more fascinating read for me is that I have been lucky enough to know the author for over 10 years due to our both being members of the same organization for professional hypnotists here in New Jersey.

Nurse Crilly, as her friends often call her, begins with how being treated for a relatively minor injury eventually led to the diagnosis of a major health challenge- one that often leads to people becoming frozen in fear and pessimism.

Of particular interest to me as a professional hypnotist was her perspective on how traditional healthcare settings deliver a staggering volume of negative suggestions to people who are in a very vulnerable place in their life's journey.

Unfortunately there are still many who do not buy into the idea that the mind has a tangible impact on the health on the body, although hopefully this book will help to change that.

Due to her training in hypnosis and other natural healing arts, she was able to avoid getting stuck in a negative mindset and was able to plot her way into a place that she calls WellBeing.

She also gives considerable credit to the team of healers she assembled around herself, both allopathic and alternative, that facilitated her healing process.

I also suspect her legendary sense of humor (abundantly shared in these pages) was also played no small part in her getting well again.

I give this book my highest recommendation as the information it contains can be invaluable if you or someone care faces a life-changing health problem.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

A Hypnotic Healing Trip to the Beach-New MP3!

I just created a new MP3 audio program entitled, "A Hypnotic Healing Trip to the Beach" that you can download for home use.

Over the past 20 years I have used a number of ocean related images in my hypnotic inductions because:

  • For many people the ocean evokes a sense of strength, healing and relaxation. 
  • I am from a beach area, so it kind of comes natural to me.
  • Even for people who live near the ocean, sometimes its hard to make the time to get there.
A Hypnotic Healing Trip to the Beach evokes comforting imagery and is accompanied by soothing ambient music and natural ocean sounds. It culminates with teaching an easy to use self-hypnosis cue that can be used at any time or place.

The program is about 14 minutes in length, long enough to guide you into deep relaxation yet not so lengthy that it would interfere with your busy schedule.

The investment in A Hypnotic Healing Trip to the Beach is just $2.97 If you wish to instantly download a copy, you may do through the link below.

Buy Now
Hypnotic Healing Trip to the Beach

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Hypnotist Has Spent Past 20 Years in Trance

New Jersey Hypnotist James Malone has announced that this November marks his 20th year in the field of professional hypnotism for self-improvement, having received his initial certification through the National Guild of Hypnotists in 1995.

"Someone recently asked me what changes I have noticed in the profession since I first began," states Malone, "and there have been some interesting developments."

He shares, "back in the mid-90's when I started, 50 percent or more of the clients came in for smoking cessation, which I believe was the case for most people in the field at the time. Nowadays that figure is closer to 25 percent, with more people now seeking assistance for stress associated problems, especially those related to ongoing health challenges such as chronic pain, irritable bowel syndrome and tinnitus. Its great that people are discovering that mind/body healing methods such as hypnosis and mindfulness can be a powerful complement to their standard medical care."

Another change he approves of is "that the image of hypnosis being seen as a situation that involves losing control and doing silly things is thankfully becoming a relic of the past. The general public is beginning to accept the idea that hypnosis is really a focused state of concentration and imagination that helps people alter negative perceptions and release stress; that it enhances rather than detracts from your sense of self-control."

Malone continues, "its also been my observation that for many Americans the external stress factors in their lives have worsened in the past decade or so. The economic downturn that began 2008 hasn't really corrected itself and many folks are struggling financially even though they are willing to work hard and play by the rules. There were also many of us here at the Jersey Shore who really took a terrible hit with Super Storm Sandy 3 years ago. As a professional hypnotist I can plainly see how this "misery index' contributes to a wide variety of negative physical and emotional problems."

"However, learning the skills of self-hypnosis and mindfulness can teach you how to tame your stress response and to maintain a more optimistic outlook even when external circumstances are not as we wish and beyond our control to change. Life today demands resilience and the ability to reinvent yourself and hypnosis can help you with that."

At his his practice in Point Pleasant Beach, NJ, Malone offers private and small group sessions for a variety of stress and habit change issues. He is also the author of several well received self-help e-books and is available for private consultations and media interviews.

Monday, November 2, 2015

You are Not Fat!

I know of a local personal trainer who frequently tells her clientele that "you are not fat!"

But what if you are actually carrying an excess amount of weight on your frame, isn't the "I'm fat" statement an accurate one? Well yes and no.

Saying I AM is an identity statement like when you say you are male/female, conservative/liberal, religious/atheist, etc. You tend to conform to the expectations of that role in order to maintain consistency.

Yet fat isn't something you are, its something you currently have. For example, if you have an aching tooth you don't go to the dentist and proclaim, "I am tooth decay!"- not unless you want a psychiatric referral! Instead you would tell the dentist "I have a tooth ache."

You acknowledge you have a problem and take steps to correct it. It is absolutely no different being overweight.

Now with the holidays approaching it is time to have a plan in place so that you don't end up being stuffed like the turkey. I have two suggestions:

1) Schedule your free, confidential strategy session with me to discuss some steps you can take to stay on track. The telephone number here is (732) 714-7040.

2) Stress and tension absolutely contribute to the problem on the emotional as well as the physical levels, especially during the holidays. Believe it or not there is solid research that indicates stress relief programs can often lead to spontaneous weight reduction. I have a Stress Inoculation Clinic scheduled for the evening of Wednesday, November 18 that could be a very helpful resource for you. You can learn by Clicking Here. 

Hope to connect with you soon!

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Tinnitus Coping Strategies-Saturday 11/14/15

To say tinnitus can cause a LOT of STRESS is an understatement. In a perfect world there would be a standard medical treatment that would just turn the ringing/buzzing off. Unfortunately, that is not an option yet.

During this free support group meeting I will be hosting on Saturday, November 14 at 11 AM, we will be exploring a number of helpful mind/body coping strategies. It will be held in the 2nd floor conference room at my office building in Point Pleasant Beach. 

Included will techniques that will show you how to:
  • Detoxify the negative emotions connected to having tinnitus.
  • Basic mindfulness meditation for stress relief.
  • Shifts in thinking that can increase your comfort.
There will also be a guided relaxation experience for any and all who wish to participate. Although there is no fee to attend, preregistration is required due to limited seating. You may do so by calling (732) 714-7040 or via email james (at)

Friday, October 23, 2015

Suggestibility Unlimited! My Latest E-Book

I just published my latest e-book entitled Suggestibility Unlimited! Written for the professional hypnotist community, it delves into ways on enhancing your use of the hypnotic pre-talk and suggestibility experiments to increase your effectiveness.

If you had adequate live training in hypnotism, the suggestibility experiments were covered. However, some practitioners do not get as much mileage out of them as they could. In my view, there are of equal and possibly greater importance than whatever formal hypnotic ritual you may be using whether it be suggestion, imagery, regression to cause or parts therapy.

In Suggestibility Unlimited! I will share some strategies that will help to increase your comfort and confidence levels while guiding your clients into a hypnotic experience where they are saying, "I know this is going to work for me because..."

My inspiration in writing this is in part due to the fact I am marking my 20th year in this field this November and I have always been grateful to those who have shared their ideas and insights with me. I fully subscribe to the notion that "a candle loses nothing lighting another candle" so nothing was held back. Happy reading!

If you have an Amazon Kindle, you can learn more at:*Version*=1&*entries*=0

If you have another type of e-book reader,  the link you should follow is:

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

What Does Your Handwriting Say About You?

I've always enjoyed learning about what makes people tick, which explains my interest in hypnosis and other related topics.

Some years ago I took a course in what is known as Graphoanalysis, or the scientific study of a person's handwriting to determine the individual's talents and personality traits. 

Its been said that all handwriting is really brain writing. Take a group of kids and give them the same penmanship instruction and a few years later their writing will be as unique as their fingerprints. That is because the innermost personality influences the way we form the various strokes and circular structures. 

At times this knowledge has proven quite useful when I'm getting to know someone since it gives me a glimpse into their true selves, which most of us conceal to some degree.

I also do basic Graphoanalysis reports on the Fiverr site as a fun hobby and as way to keep my skills sharp. You can learn more by clicking here. 

Although a comprehensive report requires at least a few lines of the person's writing, a lot can be learned from their signature. I thought it would be fun to share some observations regarding the signatures of some well known individuals.

Let's start with the signature of Founding Father Ben Franklin.

You may first be impressed with the overall aesthetics of this sample, fine penmanship was considered a mark of being well-cultured at that time in history. Apart from that though, a trained eye also sees:

  • The overall slant to the right indicates Franklin was warmly emotional.
  • The size of the capital letters in the first and last names suggest high self-esteem and confidence.
  • The underscore under the signature is a sign of self-reliance.
Now let's move to one of the most reviled men in history, Adolf Hitler.

What can we learn from this sample?
  • Here we see indications of a very sharp and active mind. 
  • The extreme forward slant of the writing is a telltale sign of abnormally heightened emotional response, in Hitler's case the dominant feeling being rage. 
  • Notice the downward slope of the last name This is a sign of pessimism to a pronounced degree. In longer samples you can see Hitler's writing tended to go up and down on the page, suggestive of his infamous mood swings.

Let's now progress to two of the current front runners in the upcoming presidential race, starting with Hillary Clinton.

What can be seen in this example?
  • The straight up and down slant is found in people who are emotionally cool/detached and tend to live more in their heads rather than their hearts. 
  • The size of the capital letters relative to those in the lower case indicate a high level of self-esteem. 
  • The breaks in the writing (missing connections between some letters) are often seen in people who have a strong intuitive streak. 
In the Republican field the current favorite is real estate mogul Donald Trump. 

In Trump's signature, there are some distinct traits noted.
  • The sharp, needle-like formations pointing up and down are seen in people who are both observant and analytical. Not much gets past him. The person is literally "sharp" when you see this style of writing. 
  • Similar to Ms. Clinton, Trump also has an up and down slant in his sample, a sign a person values thought over feeling.
  • The sharp downward stroke of the p in his last name indicates bluntness, he wouldn't be very tolerant of someone who doesn't get to the point quickly.
Hope you enjoyed this little foray into some famous signatures. If you are curious and would like to learn more, click here.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Stress Relief Tip

Below is a video I recently posted on using what is known as the "4-7-8 Breath" method for relieving stress and tension.

P.S. If you are curious about the Simple Subliminal resource I mention in the video, you can learn more by visiting the Simple Subliminal page at my website.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Childhood Stress and Later Illness?

A recently published study from Harvard indicates that while stress can cause negative physiological changes to the immune system and cardiac health at any age, childhood distress has a bigger impact on the body than stress encountered later in life.

The British Cohort Study tracked approximately 6,700 Britons born the same week in 1958 for a full 45 years and interviewed them regarding the stress and distress they were encountering over those four plus decades.

Those who encountered significant stress as children were far more likely to develop heart disease and type 2 diabetes even if their adult years were relatively calm.

Remarked one of the lead researchers, "Childhood distress may be particularly important because that's when people are learning how to control their emotions."

You should not panic if your child or grandchild is undergoing a tough time-but it is important to address their stress levels proactively for both their present and future well being.

Learning how to use the skills of self-hypnosis and basic mindfulness meditation can enable your child to feel more in control and become resilient when they inevitably encounter adversity.

If you have any questions, a free, confidential phone consultation is available, call (732) 714-7040.

References for this article:

Trump's #1 Chakra?

In preparing for my upcoming class on Hypnosis and the Chakra System I began to wonder what the energy level of Donald Trump's solar plexus chakra would be? I suspect he would say that it is, "HUGE and FANTASTIC!"

In Eastern cultures it is believed that there are circular centers of subtle energy known as chakras (from the Sanskrit word for wheel) that are located throughout the body-with the major ones following a path from the base of the spine to the crown of the head.

Just as you can see that white light contains every color of the spectrum when you pass it through a prism, it is believed that the energetic field of the body manifests itself in different wavelengths too. The various organ systems of the body and their related mental states are thought to be represented by a specific frequency and color in these circular structures.

Either an excess or a deficiency of energy in a chakra is thought to create problems in mind and body.

For example, the heart chakra is said to be green in color and relates to our ability to give and receive love. An imbalance here is theorized to possibly play a role in cardiac problems as well as interfering with the quality of our relationships.

The solar plexus chakra is associated with the color yellow and relates to ambition and the claiming one's personal power, something Mr. Trump is clearly quite comfortable with. Then there are those who might suspect he has an excess of this solar plexus energy-and I'm sure he would argue rather pointedly that he is totally fine and then some!

Whether you believe in the subtle energies of the body or not, at the very least a study of the chakras encourages us to seek inner balance and to be aware of those aspects of self that need strengthening.

If you would like to learn more, please consider attending the class on Wednesday, October 21 @ 7 PM in the second floor conference room at my office building in Point Pleasant Beach. You can learn more or register through the link below.

Class Info Page

Monday, September 21, 2015

Gotcha by Eldon Taylor Book Review

If you are one of my regular readers it isn't news to you that the power of the mind can harm or heal, enslave or liberate. As such, the "battle for the mind" by the government, media and commercial interests have been going on throughout human history. 

However in recent years many of us in the helping and healing professions have had a growing set of concerns regarding the way the internet and social media now have many people plugged in pretty much during all their waking hours. What is the downside?

When your decision process is being managed and manipulated, the quest for discovering your real self becomes exponentially more difficult, if not impossible, as a result. That is why I want to tell you about the launch of a new book, Gotcha! The Subordination of Free Will by New York Times best selling author Eldon Taylor. 

I have always found his books quite fascinating and some of you may be familiar with the subliminal self-help audio programs he creates. Eldon Taylor has spent over 30 years researching the power of the mind and in this fascinating book he: 

-Explores the 24/7 bombardment of information designed to win the hearts and minds of the public.
-Demonstrates how new sound-bytes are championed into personal awareness, becoming memes of the culture.
-Exposes the arrival of the Orwellian age in full-blown technicolor.
-Shows you how inner conflict is often the evidence that you are not being true to your self.-Lets you discover what you are not so you can fully express who you really are.

I want you to know about a special book launch party for the release of Gotcha I am taking part in that has a number of great prizes you can win as well as numerous bonus gifts for everyone. Use the link below to learn more.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Hypnosis and the Chakra System
Restoring Balance and Calm 
Wednesday, October 21@ 7 PM 

Everyone has had the unpleasant experience of feeling "out of balance." Yet is it even possible to experience calm and serenity in our modern world?

Long ago mystics realized that we have a subtle energy system made up of different frequencies that relate to the various aspects of the mind and body. 

These energy centers are thought to have a circular shape and movement, so they were called "chakras", the Sanskrit word for wheel. 

When one of these energy centers is blocked or deficient your entire being can be affected.
In this class you will learn:
  • An overview of the chakras, their location, color correspondence and function.
  • How to use the pendulum to discover potential energy blocks. 
  • A guided meditation to encourage balance and health.  
  • Affirmations related to each chakra. 
  • A shorthand self-hypnosis process you can use on your own.
All participants will receive an audio CD or mp3 for home practice and a study guide. Tuition is $35 through the secure link below, pre-registration is required due to limited seating. The class will be held in the 2nd floor conference room at my office, 302 Hawthorne Ave, Point Pleasant Beach, NJ. Please call (732) 714-7040 if you have any questions. 

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Is Hypnotic Fear Reduction for You?

This week on the popular morning show Live with Kelly and Michael, renowned hypnotist and co-developer of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) Richard Bandler reduced Michael Strahan's long-standing fear of snakes rather quickly-to the point where he could actually handle one!

NLP is as Bandler said on the show the study of successful behavior. Unlike traditional psychology that focuses on pathology, NLP practitioners attempt to model the thoughts, feelings and behaviors of people who successfully overcome their challenges.

NLP and hypnosis are closely allied practices, in fact there is considerable overlap between the two. In my years of practice I too have seen many people like yourself replace longstanding fears with calm and confidence.

Although significant results can be achieved in a single visit, experience has shown that a multi-session program usually provides better outcomes.

If you would like to learn more, let's talk! A free, confidential phone consultation is available by calling (732) 714-7040.

You can watch the video segment below.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

The Hidden Observer and Suffering

What can a blind psychology student tell you about the way hypnosis may help you to reduce the suffering associated with life-changing health problems such as chronic pain or tinnitus?

Many years ago a respected psychological researcher named Dr. Ernest Hilgard was conducting experimental hypnosis sessions with his students. As described the book he co-authored with his wife, Hypnosis in the Relief of Pain (1994, Brunner-Mazel, 2nd edition) Hilgard stumbled across a phenomena he dubbed the "hidden observer."

"My subject was a blind student, experienced in hypnosis... Once hypnotized, he received the suggestion that, at the count of three, he would become completely deaf. His hearing would be restored when I placed my hand on his right shoulder.

An associate and I then banged some large wooden blocks together, close to the subject's head, but he did not react to the sound. He was completely indifferent to our questions.

One student asked whether some part of the subject might be aware of what was going on. After all, there was nothing wrong with his ears. I agreed to test this and said to the subject, "Although you are hypnotically deaf, perhaps some part of you is hearing my voice and processing the information. If there is, I should like the index finger of your right hand to rise as a sign that this is the case."

The finger rose! The subject immediately said, "Please restore my hearing so you can tell me what you did. I felt my finger rise in a way that was not a spontaneous twitch."

His curiosity piqued, Hilgard said he would explain later. He told the student, who was still hypnotized, that there was a hidden part of his mind which knew everything which had happened. Hilgard then gave the suggestion that when the student's arm was touched, the hidden part would become conscious.

"Sure enough, when I placed my hand on his arm, he could report exactly how many loud sounds had been made, what questions the class had asked, and what I had said that caused his finger to rise."

Further investigations led Hilgard to conclude that there was a part of a mind that observed experience but did not respond to it.

For example, after hypnotic suggestions are successfully delivered for pain relief the hidden observer is still aware of and processes the pain stimuli at some level, but the experience is blocked from conscious awareness which reduces the suffering.

This hidden observer phenomena is also theorized to be the reason why hypnosis cannot make someone do something that is against his or her moral code.

In conjunction with appropriate medical care, hypnosis can help relieve the suffering of life-changing health challenges. If you would like to learn more, a free, confidential phone consultation is available by calling (732) 714-7040.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Back to School Stress?

As the summer season is winding down here at the Jersey Shore, I am reminded of my younger years when hearing the term "back to school" filled me with a certain dread-although as a parent it now creates quite a different emotion!

A small amount of back to school anxiety is normal as all the unknowns about the coming year such as "what will the new teachers be like?" or "will I be able to handle the work?" can challenge your child's confidence level.

Yet in some instances the child's level of stress gets to the point where it becomes a major problem and interferes with quality of life at home and school.

Over the years I have enjoyed working with students from middle school up to college age when it comes to academic-related stress for two major reasons.

First, younger people are naturally imaginative and this allows them to much more receptive to experiencing the process of hypnosis.

Second, learning about self-hypnosis and mindfulness is a tool that can serve a person well for the rest of his or her life.

I often wish I had learned earlier on in life that:

  • The unconscious mind automatically acts out patterns, images and beliefs whether they are good, bad or neutral-so you need to be careful what you dwell upon!
  • That the unconscious mind reacts to vividly imagined experiences as if they were real. The good news is that the same mental dynamic that provokes fear and stress can also create calm and confidence-you do have a choice. 
  • The basic tenet of mindfulness: learning to be more in the moment and realizing that as long as I am breathing, right now I am OK.
Please feel free to connect if you have a younger family member who could use some help in developing relaxation skills and greater self-confidence by calling for a free, confidential consultation at (732) 714-7040.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Stress Eating and Will Power?

A study was published recently in the medical journal Neuron about how stress alters brain function in relationship to healthy eating choices.

Volunteers who were intentionally subjected to a stressful stimulus (having a hand stuck in ice-water for 3 minutes) showed increased activity in the regions of the brain involved with signaling that a food is appealing with a simultaneous decrease in the areas involved with self regulation/willpower when compared with a control group.

During the stress response it would seem that taste trumps health considerations (but you probably didn't need me or some academics to tell you that!)

The researchers suggest that a helpful intervention is to remove tempting items such as junk food, cigarettes or alcohol from your environment when you know you are going to be experiencing a challenging time.

This general idea has actually been around for along time.  In addiction's programs members are told about the acronym HALT- that relapse into addictive behaviors becomes more likely when a person is Hungry, Angry, Lonely or Tired. Pretty much common sense, but it is interesting that modern brain science further validates it.  

I would add that the practice of self-hypnosis or mindfulness can alter your stress responses in a positive way even if there isn't much you can do about your external circumstances at the moment. This is why I teach these skills to virtually all of my weight loss and smoking cessation clients.

If you would like to learn more, a free, confidential phone consultation is available, call (732) 714-7040.

Source for this article

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Belly Full or Mindful? A Thinking Thin Secret Shared!

As a professional hypnotist my stop smoking clients frequently ask me if I ever smoked (short answer: I tried it a few times in my younger years and didn't like it, so the habit never caught on.)

But usually my weight loss clients never ask if I ever had a weight problem-yet I was some 30 pounds heavier a few years back. Since I am above average height I didn't have the classic "obese" look but the extra pounds did have a very negative effect on my healthy, energy and comfort levels. And my pants didn't fit!

It was around then I took some positive steps to drop the unwanted weight including stepping up my activity levels and cutting back on refined foods which allowed me to drop about 20 pounds over the course of a year. 

What I want to share with you is another helpful practice that helped me drop an additional 10 pounds this year with really no extra effort on my part: mindfulness.

I stumbled into this by accident as I took a continuing professional education program to become a Certified Mindfulness Meditation Instructor to supplement my traditional hypnosis training. 

Mindfulness, for those of you who are not familiar with the term, is a state of mind where you are fully engaged in the present moment.

Virtually anxiety and stress occurs when we leave the present moment and either dwell on negative events from the past (which cannot be changed) or imagine dreadful things happening in the future. Yet in the present moment as long as you are breathing, right now you are OK.

Mindfulness meditation uses several techniques to help people become more present oriented rather than following some made up line of thinking. With practice you can learn to let a thought be a thought or a feeling be a feeling without become entangled with it and giving it extra energy.

The benefits of a mindfulness practice can include decreased stress levels, a better ability to cope with pain and discomfort and increased freedom from negative habit patterns.

In the case of weight loss, with mindfulness you learn that you can experience a thought, feeling or temptation to eat without having to respond to it. Its just a thought or feeling, after all. 

Example: you might see a fast food restaurant sign and feel an urge to make a stop. Yet the truth is you can go quite a long time without eating, its highly unlikely you have to eat right now. Almost always you can wait awhile until a healthier option is available.

As I practiced mindfulness I would catch myself going, "that's a temptation to eat, but I don't have to right now, I'm OK." And as I mentioned earlier on, I released an extra 10 pounds without any sense of struggle-no "angel vs. devil" scenario. Just letting a thought be a thought...

Mindfulness training is something I offer to all of my clients in addition to the guided hypnosis processes and other methods of self-hypnosis. If you would like to learn more a free, confidential phone consultation is available, call (732) 714-7040.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Celebrities with Tinnitus

I came across an article in the Huffington Post (read original article here) on some celebrities past and present who are known to have struggled with tinnitus.

The list includes
-Former US President Ronald Reagan who is believed to have developed tinnitus after a blank pistol was fired near him on a movie set during his acting career.
-Musicians Pete Townshend, Jeff Beck, John Densmore and Bono from exposure to loud music.
-Actors William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy, who both developed after being near a stunt explosion during the filming of a 1967 episode of Star Trek, "The Arena."
-Vincent Van Gogh, post-mortem medical detective work has led some to suspect that the artist's famous incident where he cut off his ear was the result of his suffering with tinnitus rather than a psychiatric disorder as was once believed.
-Liza Minelli, the entertainer claimed her tinnitus resulted from her father excitedly shouting in her ear when she won an Oscar for her role in the film Cabaret.
-Alan Shepard, the Apollo 14 astronaut was almost sidelined from his mission by a combination of Meniere's disease and tinnitus. Surgery corrected his problem and he went on to be a hero.

Whether you are a celebrity or not, having tinnitus can be quite a burden. It is imperative that you give yourself every advantage including consulting with an audiologist who is familiar with the condition. (Two New Jersey audiologists who have a proven track record of helping with tinnitus are Dr.'s Dhyan Cassie and Robert DiSogra.)

Stress and anxiety also complicate the experience of having tinnitus, further information is posted here.

If you could use some help in developing stress remediation skills in order to cope more effectively with your tinnitus, please feel free to give me a call at (732) 714-7040.

Friday, July 24, 2015

Product Review: Power Hypnosis: the Future of Hypnotic Sessions

Power Hypnosis: the Future of Hypnotic Sessions is a new book by stage and clinical hypnotist John Cerbone.

I have run into John a few times over the years, most recently when he gave a lecture/demo at the Greater NJ Chapter of the National Guild of Hypnotists this past spring. He has a funny and outgoing personality that serves him well as an entertainer and I thoroughly enjoyed his presentation there.

When I saw that he had published this new work I was intrigued as it promised a new spin on the art and science of clinical hypnosis. Always on the search for fresh ideas to enhance my practice and serve my clientele better, I figured it was worth chancing $20 on the digital download of the book.

I must say I was pleasantly surprised and have gained a number of new ideas that I could implement right away. In particular, I really like the idea of crafting "self-perpetuating" suggestions that can benefit the recipient beyond the initial issue he or she sought help with.

What if solving a challenge such as smoking or overeating continued on into the person becoming more able to reach his or her other goals in the future? Self-perpetuating suggestions make this a very real possibility.

In the book John shares a number of interesting personal anecdotes along with copious examples of suggestions he has created as well as the underlying concepts and insights as to the how and why of their specific wording.

Professional hypnotists know that the correct choice of language is paramount to creating successful hypnotic experiences for our clients and you can learn plenty from John's exuberant style.

I definitely recommend this book to my colleagues in the hypnosis profession, you can learn more at

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Is it the Nicotine? Smoking Cessation Reconsidered

It was nearly 20 years ago that I first started seeing clients in my hypnosis counseling practice. During these two decades a large percentage of the people I have seen sought my help in order to become free of the smoking habit.

Looking back at the hundreds of private and small group sessions I have facilitated, here are some observations I have made about letting go of the smoking habit:

  • If nicotine is so physically addictive why doesn't nicotine replacement therapy have a higher success rate? Most studies I have seen state around a 20% success rate for nicotine patches, with dummy or placebo patches having a rate of effectiveness of about 15%. So is 75% of the benefit really all in your head? I have encountered scores of folks who said that the patches didn't "work" and that they smoked while using them (quite dangerous to do BTW). Maybe the nicotine that isn't the key player here? 
  • If smoking is relaxing, why does it elevate heart rate, blood pressure and constrict blood vessels? What may be relaxing is the slow, rhythmic breathing of the smoking behavior and/or the break in your routine. Smoking may be the only time a person engages in "mindfulness." Trust me, there are better ways of going about that!
  • Perhaps it would be better if we referred to the behavior of smoking as a bad habit rather than an addiction. Addiction implies helplessness/hopelessness, however unhealthy habits can be dropped.
  • I have met a number of individuals who experienced severe adverse reactions to the prescription medications for smoking cessation. Do keep in mind these drugs were originally marketed as anti-depressants. It was discovered some patients taking them for clinical depression reported spontaneously losing interest in their smoking habits and it was then that the pharmaceutical companies decided to offer them as a stop smoking treatment.  But what are the consequence of someone who is not depressed taking such a medication? Be sure to bring this up with your physician if you are considering that treatment route. 
  • The look of pride and satisfaction on a person's face when they know they have conquered that dirty, dangerous habit by tapping into their own inner resources is priceless. You can be one of them! 
If you would like to learn more about how you can become a healthy non-smoker for life, call (732) 714-7040 for a free, confidential phone consultation.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Is Your Fear UNUSUAL?

I came across an article in the U.K.'s Bristol Post  5 Unusual Fears Bristolians Suffer , an account from a mental health clinic in that city regarding some of the most unusual fears they have encountered in their practice. Do you have one of them?

Here is the list:
  1. Ergophobia- a fear of the workplace that usually centers around about inadequate job performance or pressure from supervisors and peers.  This has become more common during the past decade. 
  2. Lachanophobia- a fear of vegetables that goes beyond the thought of eating them, some folks become extremely anxious even being in their presence. 
  3. Coulrophobia- many traveling circuses have dropped clowns from their roster because of the intense fear reaction they can induce in children and adults
  4. Koumpounophobia- the fear of buttons, usually on clothing. These sufferers will only use zippers or velcro on their clothing. 
  5. Urophobia- the fear of not being able to urinate. 
For the record I have personally seen hypnosis help items 1, 2 and 5 on this list. I have not had a request regarding the fear of buttons as of yet and have my doubts as to whether the clown fear is all that irrational-just kidding!

And although some of these fears can seem comical on the surface, actually they are not funny as they can severely impact your quality of life.

What all of these kinds of subconscious responses, whether its the relatively "normal" fear of public speaking or a more exotic one such as chronomentrophobia (clocks) have in common is that the brain is treating a non-threatening situation as if it were dangerous. 

Trying to rationally talk yourself or another person out of an unhealthy fear is seldom successful because these responses are not governed by the conscious mind. Its not like you intentionally woke up one day and decided that you were going to be be afraid vegetables!

Hypnosis is a tool that helps create the mindset able to replace these negative old patterns with new habits. If you could use some help, please call (732) 714-7040 for a free, confidential phone consultation.

Friday, July 17, 2015

A Mindful Break?

This morning I had a few things to take care of at the office.  Since the weather was nice and the summer tourist traffic is pretty thick at the Jersey Shore on a Friday, I decided to bicycle the 3 miles each way rather than drive.

So I took care of a few things the needed attention at 302 Hawthorne Ave and on the ride back home I was kind of lost in a negative train of thought about a current challenge I am facing. Don't worry its nothing major, just a situation that is kind of frustrating and a perhaps bit discouraging.

As I rode along I noticed myself getting entangled with these thoughts and my mood began to suffer.

Luckily mindfulness is not just something I teach to my clients, I do practice it myself.

So I stopped pedaling for a spell and took a breather on a bench beneath a shade tree. I focused first for few moments on the flow of my breath, which brought me back to the NOW.

And in that present moment I remembered that I am in fact OK right now as long as I am breathing. And that when you let a thought just be a thought it loses its power over you.

Then my awareness shifted to the perfectly blue sky overhead, with just a few wisps of white clouds floating by. I noticed too that the weather today is pretty much near perfect. Perhaps best of all, because I was on my bike I whizzed along past those who were stuck in traffic! Ha!

The rest of the ride home went fine and my dog was happy to see me (that or he really needed to go to the bathroom).

Now the challenging situation I mentioned earlier still exists and I will need to pay attention to it. But when you are in a state of ease and relaxation, your ability to find creative solutions greatly improves.

So don't a let a negative train of thoughts distract you from what is good and beautiful in your life. Mindfulness can show you how to do that. Please connect if you have any questions by giving me a call at (732) 714-7040.

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Smoking and Serious Mental Illness?

I received an intriguing bit of information this morning from the Web MD newsletter concerning newly published research in the Lancet, a respected British medical journal.

The article "Smoking Linked to Schizophrenia" stated that smoking may be a risk factor in the development of that serious and persistent mental illness.

This was of particular interest to me for two reasons. First, as a professional hypnotist I help people let go of the smoking habit.  Second, prior to this career I was a case manager for over 10 years in an adult psychiatric rehabilitation program and the majority of the clients had a schizophrenia diagnosis.

The article notes that people with schizophrenia are far more likely to have a smoking habit than the general population. My past experience concurs with that. In fact, at one point  the facility I worked in decided to ban inside smoking because non-smoking staff were actually contracting smoking related illnesses from the noxious and ever present cloud of second hand smoke.

What was new information to me in the Web MD article was that a person receiving a first time diagnosis of schizophrenia is 3 times more likely to be a smoker than someone who isn't.

The researchers suspect that the tobacco habit increases the activity of the neurotransmitter dopamine, which is implicated in the development of schizophrenia.

This really gives credence to the idea that we should use whatever means necessary to deter younger people from developing the smoking habit since the onset of schizophrenia usually occurs during a person's late teens or early twenties.

It also suggests that programs serving individuals with serious and persistent mental illness should offer smoking cessation services since the effect of nicotine on  neurotransmitter balance may be undercutting efforts towards recovery.  This counters the old belief that the mentally ill "needed" to smoke in order to soothe stress.

No one NEEDS to smoke. EVER!

If you would like to learn more about an effective stop smoking program I would like to offer you two options: a) a free, confidential phone consultation, call (732) 714-7040 or b) sign up for my free e-course on letting go of the smoking habit at

Source material for this article at:

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Your Life Sentence? PARDONED!

Now just to be clear, I am not referring to the kind of life sentence carried out in a scary super max state prison by those deemed by the courts to be a danger to society at large.

No barbed wire, metal detectors or cavity searches here!

Rather lets look at the sentence about your life. Actually I'm sure you have many of these sentences. 

"My name is Jim and I'm from New Jersey" is a fairly benign and accurate one in my case.

Some life sentences can be downright awesome.

"I have a natural talent for numbers."

"I hardly ever get sick."

"I am a lucky person."

Then again some life sentences are pretty awful.

"I have no willpower."

"Everything I touch turns to crap."

"People don't seem to like me."

The thing about these life sentences is that if your unconscious mind hears them often enough, especially with strong emotion, it will accept them and carry them out automatically. The unconscious mind does not care if your life sentences are positive, negative or neutral.

The good news is that you can grant yourself a full pardon from your negative life sentence by the use of affirmations. 

This where you turn around the negative statements as if it were opposite day and intentionally deliver the message you need to hear.

Example: "I have no willpower" gets flipped to "I persist and I succeed." 

Affirmations can be a stand alone technique or combined with self-hypnosis or guided meditation.

Another option is to write down the positive statements where you will see them often. 

Please feel free to connect if you would like to learn more, call (732) 714-7040. 

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Hypnosis for Tinnitus Stress Relief

I just posted a new video on how hypnosis can help alleviate the distress of tinnitus.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Self-Hypnosis and Mindfulness Meditation

On Tuesday, July 14, 2015, I will be leading a class on Mindful Self-Hypnosis. Students will be learning a combination of self-hypnosis and mindfulness meditation techniques that can enable you to cope better with stress and to alter unhealthy habits and responses.

Hypnosis and self-hypnosis basically involve giving positive input to the unconscious, automatic part of the mind that acts out patterns and images whether they be good, bad or neutral. Quite often we unwittingly take on negative beliefs and live our lives in accordance to them. 

You may be less familiar with mindfulness meditation, although it has received significant positive attention in recent years as it used in several major medical centers to help alleviate pain and anxiety. 

Based on Eastern meditative techniques (although not a religious practice by itself) mindfulness essentially involves learning to be more fully in the present moment. 

Virtually all stress and anxiety occur when we leave the present moment and either: 
  • Dwell on negative events from the past which cannot be altered at this point or
  • Project fear and worry into the future about things that may but probably won't happen.
When we abandon the present moment for these negative flights of fancy we get tangled up in a stressful train of thoughts, where one negative thought leads to another to yet another. In short time we are stressed even though nothing bad is happening right now.

Usually in the present moment we are OK and mindfulness meditation has several methods to bring us back to the now. 

Paradoxically, when we are mindful we can become more effective problem solvers since we are operating from a place of strength rather than fear.

In my hypnosis practice I have found that the principles and techniques of mindfulness blend perfectly with traditional methods of hypnotism.

If you would like to learn more about the class on 7/14, please visit l

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Sleep it Off? Central Sensitization Syndrome

Most of us don't need research studies and reams of statistics from the hallowed halls of academia to convince us that sleep is important to your physical and emotional well being.

Poor sleep quality is known to be a factor in the weakening of the immune system, the onset of obesity and a host of other ills.

Recently I have been hearing more about a lack of sleep playing a role in chronic pain by what is called Central Sensitization Syndrome (C.S.S.).

When sleep deprived you can actually become more sensitive to pain. Being depressed, anxious or pessimistic is also thought to increase C.S.S.

Quite often chronic pain cases are puzzling to medical professionals because the level of suffering seems way out of proportion to any detectable physical injury or trauma.

Theories about C.S.S. suggest that it is taking place in the brain and central nervous system rather than where the pain or discomfort is perceived. It is known that the central nervous system has a kind of "gatekeeper" function that blocks or allows stimuli into your consciousness. With C.S.S. that gate seems to open wider and stays open.

I would not be surprised if C.S.S. also plays a role in tinnitus, i.e. "is it actually louder today or does it just seem that way?" Many of my hypnosis clients have reported a definite link between stress, fatigue and the perceived volume of the tinnitus.

What this tells us is that in addition to your standard medical care, its very important for you to RELAX intentionally and often if you have an ongoing health challenge such as chronic pain, tinnitus or irritable bowel syndrome.

I recently put together an audio program that utilizes hypnotic suggestion, ambient music and binaural ocean sounds to improve sleep quality. It is an mp3 file that you can listen to on your computer, upload to your mobile device or make a CD copy from it. Use the secure link below to download your copy.

Add to Cart

You: Better Sleep mp3 $2.97

P.S. - Below is a link to a really good article that makes a case for using a very gentle approach with physical interventions such as massage, stretching, etc, if you are struggling with chronic pain.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Hypnosis for Insomnia: New Audio Program

I just posted a new video on You Tube entitled "You Better Sleep!" Its a self-hypnosis session you can use prior to bedtime if stress, tension and anxiety have been interfering with your quality of sleep.

The audio is lifted from the track of the same name in my Creative Calm Self-Hypnosis Library which you can download a CD Baby (it will be on iTunes and Amazon shortly as well.)

Never use this audio program while driving or performing any other activity that requires you full waking attention.

If stress and tension are an ongoing problem for you, it might be a good idea to consider a series of private sessions with a professional hypnotist like myself as well. A free, 30 minute Hypnotic Strategy Session is available if you are curious, learn more by Clicking Here.

So here is the video, enjoy!

Friday, June 19, 2015

Smoking and "Freedom"?

Its coming up on the 4th of July, America's celebration of it's Declaration of Independence and the belief that people deserve to be free. The notion that you have a right to self-determination is deeply ingrained in the American psyche.

Over the past couple of decades there has been some grumbling about smoker's "rights" being trampled upon by the ever increasing restrictions on when and where a person may smoke in public. Even though as a professional hypnotist I experience great joy in helping people let go of the smoking habit, to some degree I do appreciate that concern. No one really likes being told what to do.

It seems to be a situation where the rights of the individual are being weighed against the a) the effects of second hand smoke on people who chose to be smoke-free and b) the overall cost to society when it comes to the medical costs of treating totally preventable smoking related illnesses-which are astronomical.

Yet I do have some problems with the idea that a smoker is truly "free." Is it freedom when:
  • You feel the need to light up even when you don't want to?
  • That people persist with that habit even after being diagnosed with heart or lung ailments caused by smoking?
  • That a pack a day cigarette habit costs around $3,000 a year during a lingering recession?
  • That when and where you can smoke has to be considered before you decide to do something or travel somewhere?
An interesting historical factoid: the advertising executive who made smoking "fashionable"  for American women during the early 20th century, Edward Bernays, was Sigmund Freud's nephew!

Prior to his efforts smoking was not seen as a particularly feminine activity and was shunned by most women.

So the tobacco industry hired Bernays to increase their market share among the fairer sex. He arranged to have female celebrities of the day photographed smoking in public. Pretty young women were hired to hand out cigarettes at public events.

However his most effective ploy was to dub cigarettes "freedom sticks" to play up to the sentiments of the growing women's equality movement.

Unfortunately this public relations campaign was a whopping success and countless thousands of American women were condemned to preventable illnesses and early deaths.

Now if you wish to continue smoking, that is your business. However, if you would like to declare your independence from that dirty, dangerous and expensive habit, I am here to help.

A free, confidential phone consultation is available, call (732) 714-7040.

P.S. I have totally free stop smoking e-course for you if you would like to learn more. It shares little known secrets of becoming a healthy non-smoker for life. Just click on the link below, enter your email address and you are good to go.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Tinnitus and the Gatekeeper

Its been long accepted that there are similarities between tinnitus and phantom limb pain in that they both involve having a sensory experience that is generated from within.

Phantom limb pain is where an amputee continues to feel unpleasant feelings in a missing limb although obviously the lost body part cannot be producing the signal. Its believed that the part of the brain that used to process information from say the arm or leg produces its own sensations since it no longer receiving external stimuli.

With tinnitus, the ringing or buzzing isn't actually a sound (a vibration in the air) but instead is being generated from within the nervous system. In many but not all instances tinnitus results from hearing loss. In these cases it is like phantom limb pain: the decrease in stimulation from external sources causes the part of the brain that processes sound to produce its own signal.

Yet another set of neurological processes may be coming into play. It appears that tinnitus may also result from a deficit in a region of the brain known as the ventral medial pre-frontal cortex (VMPC)

The function of the VMPC is to act as a form of gatekeeper that keeps certain stimuli from entering a person's consciousness so it is not overwhelmed. For example, under normal circumstances it keeps you from being aware of the sounds of  your heartbeat and breathing.

Another brain structure, the basal ganglia, is also involved with these kinds of gatekeeper functions and may also have a role in the experience of tinnitus.

These findings may someday lead to an effective pharmaceutical or surgical treatment of tinnitus, although that hasn't happened as of yet.

In the interim, there are interventions that can improve your quality of life. These include:

  • Sound masking therapy supervised by an audiologist who specializes in helping tinnitus patients. 
  • Psychiatric treatment in cases where severe depression and anxiety are present.
  • Training in self-hypnosis and mindfulness meditation. There is a definite link between stress levels and the subjective volume of tinnitus.
I teach a wide variety of mind/body healing techniques to my clients with tinnitus as it gives them a sense of control in a situation that can often seem hopeless.

If you would like to learn more, I am here to help. A free, confidential phone consultation is available, call (732) 714-7040.

Reference for this article:

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Hypnosis for Insomnia: You, Better Sleep!

Its an interesting paradox, many people think hypnosis involves being asleep. Actually it doesn't as you aret quite awake for the entire experience. However, hypnosis can help you to get a better night's sleep.

Insomnia or sleeplessness can be the symptom of an underlying physical problem, which is why it is wise to consult with a physician if it is persistent or accompanied by other physical symptoms to make sure you are OK.

Most of the time though difficulty in falling or staying sleep relates to unresolved mental tension, where the thoughts, concerns and worries of the day keep running through the mind and keep you awake.

In these sort of cases mainstream physicians will often give their patients prescription sleep aids. Although these drugs can be helpful in the short term, they do not address the underlying source of the problem and most carry a risk of addiction and other side effects.

There are two broad categories of human response and behavior: conscious and unconscious. For example, you could scratch your nose right now or get up and walk around and those would be conscious activities you can do on purpose.

However, sleep is not something you can "make" happen. In fact, you may have discovered that trying to force sleep tends to make you become more awake. The name for this effect is called "paradoxical intention" where conscious effort makes a situation worse.

What you can do is learn how to create the mental and physical relaxation that allows sleep to happen all on its own.

There are a number of techniques involving guided imagery, hypnotic suggestion and mindfulness meditation that you can learn from a professional hypnotist that can help you to improve your sleep quality.

If you would like to learn more a free, confidential phone consultation is available, call (732) 714-7040. Sweet dreams!

P.S. I have an mp3 on improving sleep in my Creative Calm Self-Hypnosis Library, you can learn more and download at

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Full Confession: I Have a Record!

I've been wanting to tell my readers that I have a record for quite some time, but it has taken me awhile to complete it. (What kind of record did you think I had?)

The Creative Calm Self-Hypnosis Library consists of three hypnosis sessions that you can instantly download for use at home:
  • You Better Sleep: your sleep quality has a direct bearing on your mental and physical well being. This track uses intentional relaxation and guided imagery to help you unwind and create a welcoming place for sleep.
  • Fly Comfortably: the fear of flying often curtails people's travel plans. On this track a mindfulness-based approach is used to help you detach from fear along with traditional hypnotic suggestion and mental rehearsal. Can be used before and during a flight.
  • Relaxation Training: imagine being able to control stress from within, rather than waiting for the outside world to change. Here we use progressive relaxation and hypnotic suggestion to control stress. Self-confidence is also addressed since this tends to inoculate a person against responding as strongly to stressful situations.
All tracks are accompanied by gentle ambient music that enhances the relaxation effect. The tracks are available for purchase singly and as an album through the link below.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Hypnosis and the Fear of Flying

With summer vacation time soon arriving, many people have getaways planned. Yet some folks curtail their travel plans due to a fear of flying.

This is a problem I have worked with successfully in my hypnosis practice over the past 20 years. And you might be curious why hypnotism might be the route to take in order to become a more comfortable flier.

The fear of flying is one of those situations where the conscious mind "knows" that commercial flight is in fact the safest way to travel long distances. (Don't take my word for it, you can look up the statistics. It's way safer to fly to Florida from New Jersey than drive, not to mention much quicker.)

Yet if you personally have the fear of flying you realize that all the "logical" arguments or reassurances do little to diminish your fear response. In fact they can be a bit annoying as basically the person is calling you irrational.

I'd be willing to guess that it is highly doubtful that you developed a fear of flying through a deliberate and conscious process. Instead it is a response your learned unconsciously that became an automatic response. These types of responses are exactly what a professional hypnotist deals with.

There are various process involving hypnotic desensitization, training in self-hypnosis and mindfulness techniques that can greatly increase your comfort level when it comes to flying.

A free, confidential phone consultation is available to discuss this further, the number here is (732) 714-7040.

P.S. I will be soon releasing an mp3 audio program that deals specifically with this issue, be sure to subscribe to my Creative Calm online newsletter if you wish to be notified when it is available, you can subscribe by Clicking Here.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

NJ Hypnotist James Malone on Mental Rehearsal

Numerous authorities have stated that visualizing your goals can help you achieve them. However, research by psychologist Gabrielle Oettingen indicates certain conditions have to be met as "wishful thinking" by itself is only part of the equation and can actually be counter-productive as a stand alone practice.

Simply picturing yourself as successful may be a pleasant and relaxing experience. Yet it also apparently sends a message to your subconscious mind to not put forth the necessary energy since the goal seems to be a "done deal."

What has been found to work is a process called "mental contrasting" where you a) visualize your success and then b) imagine carrying out the necessary action steps.

Let's say you wish to drop some unwanted pounds and inches. A self-hypnosis practice might involve these steps:
 -Intentionally relax the mind and body (my 7 Minutes Stress Buster mp3 will teach you this process for free) as it increases suggestibility.
-Dwell on an image of yourself at your ideal size, shape and condition, spend about 30-60 seconds with this step.
-Next, move on to a 30-60 second "movie" of the action steps you will be taking to make that happen such as healthy eating, exercising, etc.
-Count from 1 to 5 to return to everyday waking consciousness.

 Mental contrasting is one of several self-hypnosis techniques I enjoy teaching my clients. If you would like a free, confidential phone consultation, call (732) 714-7040 as I am here to help.

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Stop Smoking Help in New Jersey

A short video I did on the benefits of letting go of the smoking habit. A free, private phone consultation is available if you have any questions, call (732) 714-7040.

Friday, June 5, 2015

Unhappy Cages and Addiction?

Back in the 1980's First Lady Nancy Reagan championed the cause of combating drug abuse, most famously with the mantra of "just say no."

Around that time there were a number of anti-drug commercials on TV,  including one where a rat was placed in a cage with two water bottles, one with pure water and the other laced with heavy narcotics like heroin and cocaine.

The rat quickly became addicted to the drugged water and died a short time thereafter. If only he had said no!

However Vancouver psychology professor Dr. Bruce Alexander saw something amiss with this experiment. He knew that rats are intelligent and social creatures and that placing a rat in a kind of non-stimulating solitary confinement was highly unnatural.

So Dr. Alexander set out with an experiment of his own. He created a kind of rodent utopia he dubbed the "Rat Park." In it the rats had companions and plenty of toys, treadmills and food they liked. They were also presented with the option of the two water bottles, drugged and pure.

In Rat Park the rats would sample the drugged water but none became addicted.

Dr. Alexander, whose area of specialty is addictions, recalled that many US soldiers who served in Vietnam developed significant drug and alcohol habits during their tours of duty as that wartime environment was extremely stressful.

There was also cheap and easy access to a wide variety of mind altering substances including opiates which are native to Southeast Asia. In fact, health authorities of the day were quite worried that America would be overwhelmed by addicted veterans when the war was over.

However the vast majority of Vietnam veterans discontinued their substance abuse when they returned home with little or no outside help. The change in their "cages," from war to returning the relative peace and tranquility of civilian life, was enough for many of them to let go of the substance abuse habit on their own.

So Dr. Alexander next did an experiment where he intentionally addicted rats by placing them in solitary just like the one in the commercial and offering them the option of the pure or drugged water.

After they were addicted he placed them in the Rat Park and soon their addictions ceased after a brief period of withdrawal. The happier environment saved them.

This "happy cage" paradigm is challenging traditional notions of addiction and recovery where the predominant beliefs have been that a) addiction is a moral failing or b) some drugs hijack the brain and its not the user's fault.

Now sometimes people do not have much control as they would like over their external environment, to make a happier cage so to speak because of economic or social factors. However, training in self-hypnosis and mindfulness meditation can help someone adapt more comfortably to whatever "cage" they are presently in.

A free, confidential phone consultation is available, call (732) 714-7040 to learn more.

Source material for this article: John Hari's  book "Chasing the Scream"