Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Is Your Fear UNUSUAL?

I came across an article in the U.K.'s Bristol Post  5 Unusual Fears Bristolians Suffer , an account from a mental health clinic in that city regarding some of the most unusual fears they have encountered in their practice. Do you have one of them?

Here is the list:
  1. Ergophobia- a fear of the workplace that usually centers around about inadequate job performance or pressure from supervisors and peers.  This has become more common during the past decade. 
  2. Lachanophobia- a fear of vegetables that goes beyond the thought of eating them, some folks become extremely anxious even being in their presence. 
  3. Coulrophobia- many traveling circuses have dropped clowns from their roster because of the intense fear reaction they can induce in children and adults
  4. Koumpounophobia- the fear of buttons, usually on clothing. These sufferers will only use zippers or velcro on their clothing. 
  5. Urophobia- the fear of not being able to urinate. 
For the record I have personally seen hypnosis help items 1, 2 and 5 on this list. I have not had a request regarding the fear of buttons as of yet and have my doubts as to whether the clown fear is all that irrational-just kidding!

And although some of these fears can seem comical on the surface, actually they are not funny as they can severely impact your quality of life.

What all of these kinds of subconscious responses, whether its the relatively "normal" fear of public speaking or a more exotic one such as chronomentrophobia (clocks) have in common is that the brain is treating a non-threatening situation as if it were dangerous. 

Trying to rationally talk yourself or another person out of an unhealthy fear is seldom successful because these responses are not governed by the conscious mind. Its not like you intentionally woke up one day and decided that you were going to be be afraid vegetables!

Hypnosis is a tool that helps create the mindset able to replace these negative old patterns with new habits. If you could use some help, please call (732) 714-7040 for a free, confidential phone consultation.

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