Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Hypnosis and the Fear of Flying

With summer vacation time soon arriving, many people have getaways planned. Yet some folks curtail their travel plans due to a fear of flying.

This is a problem I have worked with successfully in my hypnosis practice over the past 20 years. And you might be curious why hypnotism might be the route to take in order to become a more comfortable flier.

The fear of flying is one of those situations where the conscious mind "knows" that commercial flight is in fact the safest way to travel long distances. (Don't take my word for it, you can look up the statistics. It's way safer to fly to Florida from New Jersey than drive, not to mention much quicker.)

Yet if you personally have the fear of flying you realize that all the "logical" arguments or reassurances do little to diminish your fear response. In fact they can be a bit annoying as basically the person is calling you irrational.

I'd be willing to guess that it is highly doubtful that you developed a fear of flying through a deliberate and conscious process. Instead it is a response your learned unconsciously that became an automatic response. These types of responses are exactly what a professional hypnotist deals with.

There are various process involving hypnotic desensitization, training in self-hypnosis and mindfulness techniques that can greatly increase your comfort level when it comes to flying.

A free, confidential phone consultation is available to discuss this further, the number here is (732) 714-7040.

P.S. I will be soon releasing an mp3 audio program that deals specifically with this issue, be sure to subscribe to my Creative Calm online newsletter if you wish to be notified when it is available, you can subscribe by Clicking Here.

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