Monday, September 14, 2015

Hypnosis and the Chakra System
Restoring Balance and Calm 
Wednesday, October 21@ 7 PM 

Everyone has had the unpleasant experience of feeling "out of balance." Yet is it even possible to experience calm and serenity in our modern world?

Long ago mystics realized that we have a subtle energy system made up of different frequencies that relate to the various aspects of the mind and body. 

These energy centers are thought to have a circular shape and movement, so they were called "chakras", the Sanskrit word for wheel. 

When one of these energy centers is blocked or deficient your entire being can be affected.
In this class you will learn:
  • An overview of the chakras, their location, color correspondence and function.
  • How to use the pendulum to discover potential energy blocks. 
  • A guided meditation to encourage balance and health.  
  • Affirmations related to each chakra. 
  • A shorthand self-hypnosis process you can use on your own.
All participants will receive an audio CD or mp3 for home practice and a study guide. Tuition is $35 through the secure link below, pre-registration is required due to limited seating. The class will be held in the 2nd floor conference room at my office, 302 Hawthorne Ave, Point Pleasant Beach, NJ. Please call (732) 714-7040 if you have any questions. 

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