Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Full Confession: I Have a Record!

I've been wanting to tell my readers that I have a record for quite some time, but it has taken me awhile to complete it. (What kind of record did you think I had?)

The Creative Calm Self-Hypnosis Library consists of three hypnosis sessions that you can instantly download for use at home:
  • You Better Sleep: your sleep quality has a direct bearing on your mental and physical well being. This track uses intentional relaxation and guided imagery to help you unwind and create a welcoming place for sleep.
  • Fly Comfortably: the fear of flying often curtails people's travel plans. On this track a mindfulness-based approach is used to help you detach from fear along with traditional hypnotic suggestion and mental rehearsal. Can be used before and during a flight.
  • Relaxation Training: imagine being able to control stress from within, rather than waiting for the outside world to change. Here we use progressive relaxation and hypnotic suggestion to control stress. Self-confidence is also addressed since this tends to inoculate a person against responding as strongly to stressful situations.
All tracks are accompanied by gentle ambient music that enhances the relaxation effect. The tracks are available for purchase singly and as an album through the link below. 


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