Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Childhood Stress and Later Illness?

A recently published study from Harvard indicates that while stress can cause negative physiological changes to the immune system and cardiac health at any age, childhood distress has a bigger impact on the body than stress encountered later in life.

The British Cohort Study tracked approximately 6,700 Britons born the same week in 1958 for a full 45 years and interviewed them regarding the stress and distress they were encountering over those four plus decades.

Those who encountered significant stress as children were far more likely to develop heart disease and type 2 diabetes even if their adult years were relatively calm.

Remarked one of the lead researchers, "Childhood distress may be particularly important because that's when people are learning how to control their emotions."

You should not panic if your child or grandchild is undergoing a tough time-but it is important to address their stress levels proactively for both their present and future well being.

Learning how to use the skills of self-hypnosis and basic mindfulness meditation can enable your child to feel more in control and become resilient when they inevitably encounter adversity.

If you have any questions, a free, confidential phone consultation is available, call (732) 714-7040.

References for this article:


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