Friday, July 17, 2015

A Mindful Break?

This morning I had a few things to take care of at the office.  Since the weather was nice and the summer tourist traffic is pretty thick at the Jersey Shore on a Friday, I decided to bicycle the 3 miles each way rather than drive.

So I took care of a few things the needed attention at 302 Hawthorne Ave and on the ride back home I was kind of lost in a negative train of thought about a current challenge I am facing. Don't worry its nothing major, just a situation that is kind of frustrating and a perhaps bit discouraging.

As I rode along I noticed myself getting entangled with these thoughts and my mood began to suffer.

Luckily mindfulness is not just something I teach to my clients, I do practice it myself.

So I stopped pedaling for a spell and took a breather on a bench beneath a shade tree. I focused first for few moments on the flow of my breath, which brought me back to the NOW.

And in that present moment I remembered that I am in fact OK right now as long as I am breathing. And that when you let a thought just be a thought it loses its power over you.

Then my awareness shifted to the perfectly blue sky overhead, with just a few wisps of white clouds floating by. I noticed too that the weather today is pretty much near perfect. Perhaps best of all, because I was on my bike I whizzed along past those who were stuck in traffic! Ha!

The rest of the ride home went fine and my dog was happy to see me (that or he really needed to go to the bathroom).

Now the challenging situation I mentioned earlier still exists and I will need to pay attention to it. But when you are in a state of ease and relaxation, your ability to find creative solutions greatly improves.

So don't a let a negative train of thoughts distract you from what is good and beautiful in your life. Mindfulness can show you how to do that. Please connect if you have any questions by giving me a call at (732) 714-7040.

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