Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Hypnotist Has Spent Past 20 Years in Trance

New Jersey Hypnotist James Malone has announced that this November marks his 20th year in the field of professional hypnotism for self-improvement, having received his initial certification through the National Guild of Hypnotists in 1995.

"Someone recently asked me what changes I have noticed in the profession since I first began," states Malone, "and there have been some interesting developments."

He shares, "back in the mid-90's when I started, 50 percent or more of the clients came in for smoking cessation, which I believe was the case for most people in the field at the time. Nowadays that figure is closer to 25 percent, with more people now seeking assistance for stress associated problems, especially those related to ongoing health challenges such as chronic pain, irritable bowel syndrome and tinnitus. Its great that people are discovering that mind/body healing methods such as hypnosis and mindfulness can be a powerful complement to their standard medical care."

Another change he approves of is "that the image of hypnosis being seen as a situation that involves losing control and doing silly things is thankfully becoming a relic of the past. The general public is beginning to accept the idea that hypnosis is really a focused state of concentration and imagination that helps people alter negative perceptions and release stress; that it enhances rather than detracts from your sense of self-control."

Malone continues, "its also been my observation that for many Americans the external stress factors in their lives have worsened in the past decade or so. The economic downturn that began 2008 hasn't really corrected itself and many folks are struggling financially even though they are willing to work hard and play by the rules. There were also many of us here at the Jersey Shore who really took a terrible hit with Super Storm Sandy 3 years ago. As a professional hypnotist I can plainly see how this "misery index' contributes to a wide variety of negative physical and emotional problems."

"However, learning the skills of self-hypnosis and mindfulness can teach you how to tame your stress response and to maintain a more optimistic outlook even when external circumstances are not as we wish and beyond our control to change. Life today demands resilience and the ability to reinvent yourself and hypnosis can help you with that."

At his his practice in Point Pleasant Beach, NJ, Malone offers private and small group sessions for a variety of stress and habit change issues. He is also the author of several well received self-help e-books and is available for private consultations and media interviews.

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