Saturday, November 14, 2015

A Hypnotic Healing Trip to the Beach-New MP3!

I just created a new MP3 audio program entitled, "A Hypnotic Healing Trip to the Beach" that you can download for home use.

Over the past 20 years I have used a number of ocean related images in my hypnotic inductions because:

  • For many people the ocean evokes a sense of strength, healing and relaxation. 
  • I am from a beach area, so it kind of comes natural to me.
  • Even for people who live near the ocean, sometimes its hard to make the time to get there.
A Hypnotic Healing Trip to the Beach evokes comforting imagery and is accompanied by soothing ambient music and natural ocean sounds. It culminates with teaching an easy to use self-hypnosis cue that can be used at any time or place.

The program is about 14 minutes in length, long enough to guide you into deep relaxation yet not so lengthy that it would interfere with your busy schedule.

The investment in A Hypnotic Healing Trip to the Beach is just $2.97 If you wish to instantly download a copy, you may do through the link below.

Buy Now
Hypnotic Healing Trip to the Beach

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