Tuesday, October 20, 2015

What Does Your Handwriting Say About You?

I've always enjoyed learning about what makes people tick, which explains my interest in hypnosis and other related topics.

Some years ago I took a course in what is known as Graphoanalysis, or the scientific study of a person's handwriting to determine the individual's talents and personality traits. 

Its been said that all handwriting is really brain writing. Take a group of kids and give them the same penmanship instruction and a few years later their writing will be as unique as their fingerprints. That is because the innermost personality influences the way we form the various strokes and circular structures. 

At times this knowledge has proven quite useful when I'm getting to know someone since it gives me a glimpse into their true selves, which most of us conceal to some degree.

I also do basic Graphoanalysis reports on the Fiverr site as a fun hobby and as way to keep my skills sharp. You can learn more by clicking here. 

Although a comprehensive report requires at least a few lines of the person's writing, a lot can be learned from their signature. I thought it would be fun to share some observations regarding the signatures of some well known individuals.

Let's start with the signature of Founding Father Ben Franklin.

You may first be impressed with the overall aesthetics of this sample, fine penmanship was considered a mark of being well-cultured at that time in history. Apart from that though, a trained eye also sees:

  • The overall slant to the right indicates Franklin was warmly emotional.
  • The size of the capital letters in the first and last names suggest high self-esteem and confidence.
  • The underscore under the signature is a sign of self-reliance.
Now let's move to one of the most reviled men in history, Adolf Hitler.

What can we learn from this sample?
  • Here we see indications of a very sharp and active mind. 
  • The extreme forward slant of the writing is a telltale sign of abnormally heightened emotional response, in Hitler's case the dominant feeling being rage. 
  • Notice the downward slope of the last name This is a sign of pessimism to a pronounced degree. In longer samples you can see Hitler's writing tended to go up and down on the page, suggestive of his infamous mood swings.

Let's now progress to two of the current front runners in the upcoming presidential race, starting with Hillary Clinton.

What can be seen in this example?
  • The straight up and down slant is found in people who are emotionally cool/detached and tend to live more in their heads rather than their hearts. 
  • The size of the capital letters relative to those in the lower case indicate a high level of self-esteem. 
  • The breaks in the writing (missing connections between some letters) are often seen in people who have a strong intuitive streak. 
In the Republican field the current favorite is real estate mogul Donald Trump. 

In Trump's signature, there are some distinct traits noted.
  • The sharp, needle-like formations pointing up and down are seen in people who are both observant and analytical. Not much gets past him. The person is literally "sharp" when you see this style of writing. 
  • Similar to Ms. Clinton, Trump also has an up and down slant in his sample, a sign a person values thought over feeling.
  • The sharp downward stroke of the p in his last name indicates bluntness, he wouldn't be very tolerant of someone who doesn't get to the point quickly.
Hope you enjoyed this little foray into some famous signatures. If you are curious and would like to learn more, click here.

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