Monday, December 26, 2016

3 Reasons Why Hypnosis Will Help You Succeed in 2017

New Jersey Hypnosis for Weight Loss and Smoking Cessation

On the surface positive change seems like it should be fairly simple. Just make rational decisions based on logic and reason. Easy right? Yet as the old saying goes, "if it's such a great idea, why aren't I doing it already?"

The primary reason is that most of our behavior is automatic and subconscious. The deeper parts of the mind run habit patterns whether they are good, bad or neutral.

Hypnosis is a process that uses a naturally altered state of consciousness to introduce helpful suggestions to the subconscious mind, to give it a new direction.

Here are three ways hypnosis can support your healthy decisions:

Create positive expectation: there is a psychological phenomena called learned helplessness. Experience enough adversity and frustration and you may come to expect that is how things will continue to be in the future and that there really is no use in trying. But what would you be capable of if you knew you couldn't fail? Your drive and determination would be unstoppable. With hypnosis you get to vividly experience your future success which can be a tremendous motivator-learning to "keep you inner eye on the prize."

Deactivating subconscious cues: you may have heard of Pavlov and his famous experiments where he conditioned dogs to salivate by sound. Initially he would ring a bell and then feed the animals meat powder . Eventually a neurological connection formed where the sound alone triggered the response. These kinds of subconscious mental associations happen with humans too. Unhealthy behaviors such as smoking and overeating are often triggered by cues in our daily lives that we are scarcely aware of. Hypnosis offers some very helpful tools to release these patterns.

Controlling stress- it is well known that ongoing stress has a negative impact on the body. Yet also can have a negative impact on our decision making process. A stressed mind is not creative and will revert to its prior conditioning.  Hypnosis is an incredibly effective way of learning how to relax deeply, something many people seldom if ever do.

If you have any questions, I am here to help. A free, confidential phone consultation is available, call (732)714-7040 to learn more.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Are You Suffering from a Vitamin U Deficiency?

NJ Hypnotist for Stress and Bad Habit Release

Some of the most popular reasons why people come to the private and small group hypnosis programs I offer include:
  • Stop smoking.
  • Promoting healthy weight loss.
  • Overcoming unhealthy fears.
  • Learning to cope better with ongoing health challenges such as tinnitus, chronic pain and IBS.
But do you know what all these issues have in common?

Something I call a "Vitamin U (you) deficiency": the faulty perception that you are incapable of positive change. 

Contrary to the popular portrayal in countless books and movies, a hypnotist like myself does not have any special powers.

Rather we reconnect people like yourself with their natural ability to learn, heal, grow and reach worthwhile goals. 

Think about this: between birth and age 5 you:
  • Mastered the complex motor coordination required for walking, eating and drinking.
  • Learned how speak a foreign language and probably began to read and write it as well.
  • Developed enough "social engineering" capability so that you figured out how to live with a group of complete strangers.
Does a young child doubt their ability to learn these necessary life skills? Of course not, it was simply trial and error until you figured out how to make these things happen.

Yet somewhere along the way "trance" of self-doubt creeps in and we become convinced we are incapable of doing things we can in fact do.

Do you ever catch yourself making statement that begin with, "I am just not capable of..." ?

Then you are practicing negative self-hypnosis and programming yourself for failure!

My suspicion is that part of the problem is that culturally we are encouraged to look for external answers for most of life's problems in the form of more stuff or a pill for every ill.  Yet these solutions often fall short, do they not?

"By your own efforts, waken yourself, watch yourself. And live joyfully. You are the master"-Buddha.

A hypnosis program can help you move from helpless to hopeful, from stuck to stellar. It happens all the time and its a wonderful thing to witness. 

If you need to increase your RDA of "Vitamin U" I would be honored to help you. Call (732) 714-7040 for a free, confidential phone consultation or visit 

P.S. Free self-help hint: I find using the phrase, "I can choose to..." very helpful in challenging situations. Examples:
  • "I can choose to deal with this problem calmly, creatively and effectively," 
  • "I can choose to make this a great day."
  • "I can choose to stay on track with healthy eating even though there are temptations present." 
  • "I can choose to remain calm in spite of having this discomfort."
Remembering that in most instances you do indeed have the power of choice gives your Vitamin U levels a nice bump.

Sunday, November 6, 2016

The Real Cost of Smoking?

Stop Smoking Hypnosis NJ

What is the real cost of smoking in New Jersey?  Depending on the brand and where you buy them it seems that the price range right now is anywhere from $8 to $12. But is that the only cost?

I bring that question up because you should consider all the facts when making an important decision, right?

Some people insist that they love the smoking habit. Still others are less passionate and classify it more as a like. I have heard many people say they cling to the smoking habit because of the need for relaxation and enjoyment-which are important human needs.

Reflect on the amount of relaxation and enjoyment you are receiving from this deal you have made with the smoking habit. Most smokers will report at best this totals up to about 30 minutes a day as there are usually 4 to 6 cigarettes that seem enjoyable. The rest are smoked out of pure habit. So ask yourself whether that half hour a day is a fair trade for:
  • About $3,000 of your money each year (not counting additional cleaning, medical  and insurance expenses)
  • Shortening your life expectancy by about 10 years.
  • Damage to your skin and teeth, making you look older than you are.
  • Deepening of the voice (in women).
  • Loss of sexual virility (men).
  • The sense that you have to smoke even when you don't want to.
  • The inconvenience of the smoking habit (example: having to go outside to smoke in cold or rainy weather, being afraid of running out, etc.)
Only you can decide whether the cost to benefit ratio is worth it or not. If the answer is yes, continue as you are since I am not in the business of making people do things they don't want to do-but please keep me in mind if and when that changes.

If your answer is no, that smoking is no longer worth what it is really costing you, then its time to act. Please connect to discover how you can become more relaxed and comfortable as a healthy non-smoker for life as so many others have.

Call (732) 714-7040 for a free, confidential phone consultation.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Hypnotic Halloween Memes

Below are some fun Halloween themed memes I came up with recently. Feel free to share them if you like on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and other social media sites.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Rewind Technique and You

The Rewind Technique Review

In one of my previous postings we looked at how the allostatic response of some individuals, which is the ability to calm and rebalance after stress, can become impaired and that this often leads to a wide array of physical and emotional discomforts.

One risk factor in allostatic dysfunction is when toxic memories have not been processed correctly. Some authorities estimate up to 30% of people exposed to a traumatic event will have lingering symptoms as a result and this includes 5% of men and 10% of women in the general population.

Fearful and upsetting situations activate the body's fight or flight response and the emotions take precedent over thinking so that you will take decisive action. Careful contemplation is not a good idea when being chased by a wild dog!

For some time afterwards the sights, sounds, smells or sensations associated with the hazard may for a time trigger fear.  An example, someone exposed to an explosion may panic when they hear fireworks or a car backfire.

Under ideal circumstances, eventually the memories lose their emotional charge and become part of what is known as narrative memory. You remember what happened, but it no longer bothers you that much and the memory is not readily triggered.

However for some the memories do not get past the emotional part of the brain and sort of remained trapped there.

One sign that a memory has not undergone the healing transformation is that it will seem more fresh and vivid than other recollections from that time. Maybe years or decades have passed yet it seems like the event happened yesterday or last week.

During the past year I was fortunate enough to complete a training on what is known as the Rewind Technique, which enables people to move past the effect of toxic memories rather quickly.

Although the basic premise for the method has been around for a long time, recent refinements have been made that enable it to not only rapidly resolve upsetting memories quickly but comfortably as well. In fact, a basic premise is that if the client is experiencing stress or discomfort during the Rewind Technique, the practitioner is not doing it right.

So far I have seen very positive results by integrating this method into my practice and welcome any questions you may have about it. You can connect by calling me directly at (732) 714-7040

P.S. I know that some of my readers are involved with the healing arts too. If you would like to learn more about the Rewind Course and other helpful practitioner resources, please visit,

P.S.S. If you could use one of the links below to share this post on your social media it would be greatly appreciated and could possibly help someone struggling with difficult memories.

The Hourglass

Have you ever watched an old time hourglass when you flipped it and the sand flowed from top to bottom?

Unlike modern timepieces that operate with a very consistent rhythm, the sand in an hourglass moves very slowly at first and then picks up speed near the end.

If you tried to push down on the sand at the beginning in order to speed things up, your pressure would actually cause the sand to jam in the narrow neck and its flow would grind to a halt.

In my travels I have heard how this can be a metaphor for why it is not a good idea to try to rush the things we are trying to accomplish.

Often  our initial progress towards a worthwhile goal or creating a new habit can be slower than we like, but this is all part of the process.

For example, trying to lose weight can be a very frustrating process yet most of the so-called shortcuts I have heard of over the years are ineffective in the long run and there have been certain potions, pills and extreme diet/exercise regimens that turned out to be quite harmful.

Nothing has been proven to work better than consistent healthy eating and regular physical activity.

It can be a slow go at times but with a bit of faith and persistence momentum will eventually kick in.

This holds true with anything worthwhile you intend to accomplish. It's great to be excited about a reaching a goal, but often it is a marathon rather than a sprint towards the finish line, pace yourself.

If you need some help getting in the flow of things, I am here to help. A free, confidential phone consultation is available by calling (732) 714-7040 or you can connect at

Monday, October 10, 2016

Is Hypnosis Right for You? A Free E-Book

NJ Hypnotist: Free Information

Are you curious about hypnosis for self-improvement and would like to learn more? This concise, 10 page e-book will answer many of the questions you may have, including:

  • Do you really lose control during hypnosis?
  • What kind of challenges do hypnotists help people with?
  • Can anyone be hypnotized?
  • Who doesn't this work for?
  • How can I increase my chances for success?
This primer will help you make an informed decision on whether a hypnosis counseling program would be a good fit for you as it has been for many other people. Grab your copy through the link below.

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Hypnosis E-book FREE!
P.S. Please feel free to share this report with anyone else you know who may be interested too.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Rewinding Toxic Memories
hypnotist james malone
 Tuesday, October 11  @ 7 PM
Do you feel limited by unpleasant memories from the past that don’t seem to be fading or losing their strength? Upsetting events can often leave their imprint indefinitely, creating unhealthy fear and stress. During this lecture  by Life Enhancement Hypnotist James Malone you are going to explore some cutting edge info on how you can release the impact of the past. You will learn about:
  • How persistent negative memories are stored differently in the brain.
  • Why ancient survival mechanisms can bring about modern day fears.
  • The reason some methods of releasing fears and trauma can actually make a person feel worse. 
  • A new method of releasing toxic memories that is both highly effective and comfortable to experience. 
There is no fee to attend, but preregistration is requested due to limited class size. Enroll through the link below to confirm your attendance and to receive a set of directions to his office in Point Pleasant Beach. Your deserve better than feeling stressed, stuck and frustrated!

Friday, September 9, 2016

Hypnotic Parenting Skills

"Do your your homework..."

As a parent you may not think about yourself as a hypnotist but guess what, you are! A hypnotist is someone who uses communication skills to alter perception via suggestion. The power of suggestion is enhanced when:
  • The suggestion is offered in conjunction with heightened emotion.
  • The message is repeated frequently.
  • The information delivered from a person perceived as an authority.
As you can see, as a parent you probably fit all three criteria. It also underscores why we have to mindful as to how we communicate with the younger people in our lives.

It's important to note too that kids and teens are naturally more suggestible than adults since they are more imaginative.

Once a suggestion is accepted by the subconscious mind, it will act it out without fail whether it is good, bad or neutral.

If an authority figure (parent) in moments of anger (emotion) frequently tells their child (repetition) that, "you will never amount to anything!" chances are that suggestion will be accepted and create quite a few problems down the road.

Yet we also have to be careful in the way we offer encouragement. In her book Mindset, psychologist Carol Dweck points out the pitfalls of simply telling a child he or she is "smart."

What could be the harm you might wonder? Being smart is an identity statement that ignores the fact that most high-end achievers also have a world class work ethic.(Some research  on "mental contrasting" suggests that imagining success without also visualizing the effort can be counterproductive-read more here)

Dweck's book centers on the difference between a fixed and growth mindset. A person with a fixed mindset devotes considerable energy towards "keeping up appearances" and will shy away from challenges that might threaten that perception.

An individual with a growth mindset embraces challenges, persists in the face of adversity and sees setbacks as learning experiences.

In academics, some kids considered "smart" in high school fail miserably in college when faced with the more challenging environment and it's heavier workload. "If I'm smart, everything should come easy to me," the logic train seems to go.

So how should the parent/hypnotist word his or her suggestions?  Offer praise and encouragement but couple it with caveat that effort is required.

"I know you are smart enough to pass that test with flying colors if you put in the time to study."

"Your project came out great, it must have taken a lot of effort on your part."

Remember, as a parent/hypnotist your words have great impact, use them wisely. If you have any questions, I am here to help. Either call me directly at (732) 714-7040 or connect through my website at

P.S. Bonus hint: the funny graphic at the top of the page has a hypnotist suggesting, "do your homework." Do you know what would be better?  Combine two suggestions when you want your kids  to do something and you will usually encounter less resistance. Examples: "grab something to drink and start your homework," or "do your homework and then go outside and play for awhile." A true case of two being better than one.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Hypnotic Pause Button mp3

When I facilitate stress relief groups many participants report that "time pressure" is a major problem for them-the sense that there is never enough time, too much on their plate, etc...
After awhile you can feel less like a 'human being' and more like a 'human doing!'

Good time management skills and learning to assertively say no to the demands of others when you have too much on your plate can certainly help. 

It's also important to set aside time for yourself, yet this can be tricky if you are spending your "me time" cooking up more to do lists!

This is where the Hypnotic Pause Button mp3 can help.  What if you could pause time and really step back from your worries for awhile?

You see hypnosis is a wonderful tool for changing your perception of time and this audio program helps you get some distance from time pressure and worry so that you come back feeling stronger, smarter and more resilient.

It's about 10 minutes in length total, so you won't be making excuses not to use it. In mp3 format , you can listen to it on virtually any digital device or you can burn a hard copy CD from the file. Your investment is just $4.97, order through the secure link below.

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Hypnotic Pause Button mp3-$4.97

Friday, August 26, 2016

Time to Lighten the Load?

Stress Relief NJ

A helpful term to understand in regards to stress management is allostatic load as it can explain why your stress response may be out of proportion to what you are actually experiencing in life right now.

Stress occurs when we have to make adaptations to changing circumstances. For example, when you climb a flight of stairs your heart rate has to increase and should go back down once you get to rest.

When faced with financial adversity, your brain dedicates more of it's resources towards finding a solution to your dilemma until its solved.

If you were suddenly chased by a wild dog, your body would rapidly prepare to flee or engage in self defense. This is what is known as the fight or flight response to help you deal with the threat- a state marked by the release of stress hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol.

The fight or flight response can be triggered by both physical and emotional threats.

Without this ability to adapt you wouldn't survive the adverse circumstances and challenges that we all encounter. However nature intended to fight or flight to be a short term response and if it goes on too long there can be serious physical, emotional and behavioral consequences.

In a perfect world the heightened stress response would always release once the problem had been solved or the threat had passed by a process known as allostasis, where the mind and body return to it's natural and more relaxed state.

The allostatic load refers to the strain on the mind and body which increases over time if you are exposed to repeated or chronic stress.

For many individuals the allostatic process breaks down and the stress response remains activated even when there is no need to for it do so. Not unlike a rusted water valve or a broken light switch that gets stuck in the on position.

This inability to rebalance from a stressful state is linked to numerous problems including addictions, chronic pain, anxiety, IBS, tinnitus and other ongoing challenges.

Everyone has different stress thresholds, but it seems that exposure to trauma, especially in childhood, seems to be a major factor of whether a person can shift back to rest and digest or remains in stuck in fight or flight.

Mind/body healing practices such as mindfulness meditation, self-hypnosis, qigong and yoga can enable you to reduce your allostatic load. An overall healthy lifestyle that includes good nutrition, proper hydration, exercise and avoidance of toxins such as tobacco also help.

If you have any questions, I am here to help! Please feel free to call (732) 714-7040 for a free, confidential phone consultation.

P.S. The book linked below Conquer Chronic Pain by Dr. Peter Przekop,  is a treasure trove of info on the link between stress, chronic pain and addictions.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Preparing for Your First Hypnosis Session: 7 Helpful Tips

It's been my observation that people coming in for their first hypnosis session are experiencing a wide variety of expectations as to what it will or will not be like.  Below are some ideas that can help you get the most out of your first hypnosis session and the ones that follow.

  1. When you have the want, you will find the how. How important is reaching your goal to you? I often have clients assess their desire for change on a 1-10 scale, 1=little or no desire, 10= highest level. Unless you are rating a 7 or better, you will probably have weak commitment and a diminished chance for success. If your score is low, what would have to happen in order to raise it? You have to bring personal commitment to the table in order for this process to work.
  2. Relax, nothing crazy is going to happen. The hypnotic demonstrations you may have seen in a comedic show or the movies bear little or no resemblance to what goes on in a private or group session for personal transformation. There would be no reason on earth for me to try and make you do anything silly or embarrassing in this setting. You will be awake and in control the entire time we work together.
  3. Realize there are different ways people feel when hypnotized. While some people go into a profound state of deep relaxation during hypnosis, others experience it more subtly where it feels more like daydreaming.  Numerous studies have shown "trance depth" has little or no bearing on how effective the session will be. If you have concerns that you can't be hypnotized, here is a hint. Act as if you were the best candidate for hypnosis on the planet and you will become that person.
  4. Decide to go with the flow. Many potential clients have a fear that somehow they will mess up the process. This can in fact happen is by being overly analytical and not following the instructions given during the session.  Doing so prevents the positive suggestions and images being offered by the hypnotist from being accepted  and acted upon by the subconscious mind, which is what you are there for, right? If your analytical mind could solve the problem you are facing, it would have done so by now.  The hypnosis session involves a totally different approach. You will bump up your chances of success greatly by deciding to adopt an easygoing attitude and by being as cooperative as possible: a decision only you can make. Keep in mind this decision is for your benefit, not the hypnotist's. Follow his or her lead in order to get the most out of your investment of time and money.
  5. Doing your homework is absolutely essential. You want to know a main difference that sets successful clients apart from others who are less successful? Virtually every hypnosis session concludes with some sort of homework assignment involving self-hypnosis, listening to an audio mp3 or doing some kind of coaching exercise. On average suggestions last 3 to 5 days unless they are reinforced and it takes 21 to 30 days to establish a new habit pattern. 20+ years of professional experience has shown me that the clients who do their homework assignments do well, the others have less consistent, hit or miss results. Be ready to do your homework.
  6. Its often not 'one and done'- although amazing results can be experienced in a single session(especially if you do your post-session homework) a multiple session program will usually yield a better outcome. 3 or 4 visits is the norm, with some clients opting for more.
  7. Decide to do your best and make this work. Hypnosis is something done with you, not to you. It's not up to a hypnotist to make you do anything, rather he or she is a coach that is there to assist and guide you. Its similar to how star basketball players expect their coach to provide expert guidance and encouragement, but don't expect the coach to actually play the game for them.
Follow these tips and chances are you will do just fine.
If you have any questions, please feel free to connect by either calling me at (732) 714-7040 or using one of the contact forms at my website

Sunday, July 31, 2016

The Link Between Stress and Self-Confidence?

Over the past 20 odd years I think it would be safe to say stress that could be managed better has been an underlying factor in virtually every hypnosis session I have conducted.

Whether it be overcoming limiting fears, releasing unhealthy habits such as smoking and overeating or learning to cope with life-challenging health problems, negative stress is always skulking about.

Now a completely stress-free existence is not possible and isn't really desirable either since we need a certain amount of challenges in order to feel fully alive, to have a sense of meaning and purpose.

Its also important to note that stress is not the external factors in our lives but rather our individual response to those events. That is good news because it implies we can alter our responses to those things that we cannot control.

Its been my observation from both professional and personal experience that stress turns ugly when coupled with a lack of self-confidence. Let me explain...

The stress response is frequently triggered by thoughts ("what if" thinking) rather than what is actually going on in the moment. Your subconscious mind cannot distinguish a real experience from one that is vividly imagined.

If you frequently envision disastrous scenarios that you won't be able to handle you are in a way living them in the moment.  The body then responds as if the dreaded event were actually happening.

Now what if you imagined being able to rise up and meet those same challenges with strength, intelligence and determination?

A secret of hypnotism: the same inner process that creates stress and anxiety when reversed can bring about a sense of calm and confidence. You can learn to be more resilient when faced with adversity.

A professional hypnotist can help you become the director in what has been called "The Theater of the Imagination," where you learn to take greater control of your stress responses.

A free, confidential phone consultation is available if you have any questions, call (732) 714-7040.

Saturday, July 30, 2016

A Concise History of Hypnosis

The history of hypnosis is a fascinating one. Joshua Syna, a professional hypnotist from Houston, Texas, created this infographic that tells the story.

Source of this image:

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Are You Ready? 3 Questions to Ask

Deciding to make a healthy change in your life can be simultaneously exciting and a little scary. Although you may be tired of being burdened with a problem, you may also be concerned if you are really ready to move forward or will you fail.

Although hypnosis can sharply reduce the learning curve when it comes to creating healthy new habits, you have to be a willing, able and engaged participant in the process in order to succeed.

The three questions below can help you determine your readiness. Rate your response on a scale of 0 to 100

1) How much of a negative effect has this problem had on my life?

0................................................................. 50 ............................................................ 100
NO EFFECT                                                          EXTREMELY NEGATIVE EFFECT

2) How important is it for me to feel better?

0 ............................................................... 50 ..............................................................100
NOT IMPORTANT AT ALL                                                         VERY IMPORTANT

3) How willing am I to make solving this problem a priority in my life?

0 ............................................................. 50...............................................................100
NOT A PRIORITY                                                    EXTREMELY HIGH PRIORITY

SCORING: If you scored less than 50 on two or more scales, you may not be ready at the present moment, but this can change over time. Ask yourself, "what would it take for this issue to become a priority?"

If you scored 50 or more on two or more scales, you are most likely ready to put forth the effort required to make a healthy change. Please give me call at (732) 714-7040 for a free, confidential phone consultation so we can discuss a plan to get you where you want to be.

Reference: source material for this post was found at;

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Tinnitus Coping Tip #6

Tinnitus Help NJ

Although it is often not possible to pinpoint the exact cause of someone's tinnitus, there are certain behaviors and situations that can aggravate the symptoms.

For example, most folks with tinnitus know its important to avoid prolonged exposure to loud noise and that they should use hearing protection when going to a concert or using power tools.

Another potential problem scenario is encountered during flight if your ear and Eustachian tubes cannot adjust properly to the changes in air pressure, this is known as barotrauma or airplane ear and can be quite painful.

I've encountered a number of individuals who state that their ringing or buzzing was made worse by flight. Although travel is a wonderful tonic for the body and mind, do take precautions to minimize any potential problems.

According to the Mayo Clinic website you should follow these tips to avoid airplane ear:
  • Yawn and swallow during ascent and descent. Yawning and swallowing activate the muscles that open your Eustachian tubes. You can suck on candy or chew gum to help you swallow.
  • Use the Valsalva maneuver during ascent and descent. Gently blow, as if blowing your nose, while pinching your nostrils and keeping your mouth closed. Repeat several times, especially during descent, to equalize the pressure between your ears and the airplane cabin.
  • Don't sleep during takeoffs and landings. If you're awake during ascents and descents, you can do the necessary self-care techniques when you feel pressure on your ears.
  • Reconsider travel plans. If possible, don't fly when you have a cold, sinus infection, nasal congestion or ear infection. If you've recently had ear surgery, talk to your doctor about when it's safe to travel.
  • Use filtered earplugs. These earplugs slowly equalize the pressure against your eardrum during ascents and descents. You can purchase these at drugstores, airport gift shops or your local hearing clinic.
  • Use an over-the-counter decongestant nasal spray. If you have nasal congestion, use a nasal decongestant about 30 minutes to an hour before takeoff and landing. Avoid overuse, however, because nasal decongestants taken over several days can increase congestion.
  • Use oral decongestant pills cautiously. Oral decongestants may be helpful if taken 30 minutes to an hour before an airplane flight. However, if you have heart disease, a heart rhythm disorder or high blood pressure, or if you've experienced possible medication interactions, avoid taking an oral decongestant unless your doctor approves. If you're a man older than age 50, you may experience serious side effects after taking decongestants containing pseudoephedrine (Actifed, Sudafed) such as urinary retention, especially if you have an enlarged prostate. If you're pregnant, talk to your doctor before taking oral decongestants.
  • Take allergy medication. If you have allergies, take your medication about an hour before your flight.
If you're prone to severe airplane ear and must fly often, your doctor may surgically place tubes in your eardrums to aid fluid drainage, ventilate your middle ear, and equalize the pressure between your outer ear and middle ear.

Reference for this article:

P.S. If you would like to learn more about mind/body healing for tinnitus, please visit

Monday, July 4, 2016

Your Happy Place Pill?

A popular expression is to tell someone to go to their happy place when you want them to calm down.

Indeed, many mind/body healing processes encourage the practice of regularly focusing on the image of being in a place where you feel safe, secure and comfortable-and there is a sound reason why this is done, based on the placebo effect.

One type of placebo is where the patient's belief in a remedy creates a healing effect, rather than the drug or procedure itself. An example is giving a person a sugar pill yet telling her that it is a powerful pain killer and as a result the inert substance creates an analgesic effect.

Current research on placebos suggest that this is not simply a matter of fooling someone into believing they are well. Instead, observable biochemical changes takes place in the person's body as result of the positive belief and expectation that is present.

During clinical trials for new drugs, the standard procedure is to give half the volunteers the real drug and the others get a placebo without them knowing which group they are in. The substance being tested has to significantly outperform the placebo in order to be considered effective.

An interesting side note: in clinical trials all participants have to be told about the possibility of negative side effects such as headache or stomach upset and often people taking the placebo will experience them. This is called the nocebo effect.

Another kind of placebo is based on memory. In one famous study lab rats were given a immune suppressing drug that was delivered in a strawberry flavored syrup. Later on it was found that giving them the syrup without the actual drug also dampened the immune system-the response is believed to be an unconsciously learned behavior based on the familiar cue of the flavoring agent.

So when we study the placebo effect we begin to see an interesting interface between memory, imagination and the functioning of the mind and body.

If thoughts and memories can spur wellness (placebo) or illness (nocebo) why not intentionally game the process in your favor?

If you can intentionally draw upon your positive memories and imaginings, it is possible to mitigate the negative effects of stress and anxiety, even if you are currently in challenging circumstances.

How would you describe a happy time and place in your life? What were the sights, sounds, scents, sensations, etc.

Have trouble coming with an image like that? Then make one up out of thin air, the effect is going to pretty much be the same.

If you would like to learn more, I am here to help. A free, confidential phone consultation is available, call (732) 714-7040.

P.S. My audio mp3 a Hypnotic Healing Trip to the Beach can help you deeply relax if you can't make it to the beach for real this week. You can download it through the link below

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Hypnotic Healing Trip to the Beach-$2.97

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Your Axl Pic?

There was a news item a few weeks back about how Guns N' Roses vocalist Axl Rose was attempting to have unflattering pictures of himself taken down from the internet.

During the 1990's while he was fronting that famous hard rock band, Axl had the super thin physique often associated with rock stars. However, over the past decade or so he has gained a significant amount of weight.

Some individuals have used recent photos of Axl to create what are called "memes," where images and text are combined to promote some sort of message that get passed around on the internet. In his case, the memes have centered around some rather unkind "fat jokes."

Its interesting to note that weight loss efforts are frequently spurred on by either seeing a less than complimentary picture of yourself or by the prospect of an occasion where pictures will be taken such as a wedding or class reunion.

In behavioral science, this is called "away motivation"-where we move in the opposite direction of a situation that causes us pain in some way.

Away motivation can be very powerful force, but it tends to be limited in that once partial or full success has been achieved, it falls to the wayside. Another potential downside with away motivation in weight loss is that it is often shame based.

Toward motivation is when we take action in the direction of something that we want. In the case of healthy weight loss, this can be improved appearance, increased energy, better mobility and comfort, enhanced health and so on.

Now its perfectly fine if your "Axl Pic" has gotten you fired up enough to take some positive action towards a healthier lifestyle, but be sure to look at the benefits that will keep you motivated in the long run too.

A customized hypnosis program can provide you with tools that can help you achieve your healthier future.

If you ever have any questions, please feel free to connect by giving me a call at (732) 714-7040.

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Trance of Terror?

At what point does stress become a problem? In any living organism stress refers to the adaptations it has to make in order to respond to changes in its inner and outer environment.

If the outside temperature drops, a living body has to generate more heat from within to stay alive. If Creature A poses a threat to Creature B,  B has to run or fight or it won't live to see another day. When you have gone awhile without food, your body sends out a hunger signal to encourage you to find food and eat and so on.

When viewed this way it becomes obvious that we are always experiencing some degree of stress by virtue of just being alive since there are always challenges going on. In nature the cycle is that a demand arises, action is taken to resolve it and balance is restored.

However, we humans differ in that we have stress and anxiety about things that haven't happened yet, better known as "what if" thinking. We can get so wound up about our worries that the physical body will actually start responding as if the thing we fear was happening right now..  This is actually a type of trance state where an imagined stimuli is experienced as real.

Over time this can wreak havoc on our physical and emotional health due to the constant bombardment of stress hormones that are being released as a result.

Now a certain degree of anxiety is actually helpful in that it keeps us alert to potential problems and motivates us to be prepared. It stimulates our uniquely human creative capacity to find solutions and motivates us to set and achieve goals. You couldn't survive in a complex, modern society without some stress and worry as we can no longer live on instincts alone.

However, when worry becomes excessive it can drain you mentally and physically and actually make you less able to solve your problems since we were not designed to be in a constant war footing and over time the rational mind starts shutting down.

Its been my observation that the most toxic type of stress response is linked to a lack of self-confidence-when your perceive the challenges you are facing are going to be more than you can handle rather than being nuisances or irritations.

Due to the rapid social changes presently going on, this level of toxic stress seems to be on the rise. We seem to be living a climate of fear and insecurity where many now harbor serious doubts about whether they will be able to meet their basic needs in the future*.

I suspect this has a direct bearing on the increase of serious addictions we are now seeing, including the opiate abuse epidemic as well as the steady rise of obesity rates. These are unhealthy coping mechanisms that have gone horribly awry.

This is where hypnosis can be such an awesome tool. First, it can show you how to get a deep state of restorative relaxation on a regular basis. This kind of break from tension can allow you to get your problem solving mojo back.

Second, you can use suggestion and imagery to convince your unconscious mind that you will be able to survive and even thrive in tough situations, restoring your sense of ease and comfort as you navigate this tricky world.

If you would like to learn more, a free, confidential phone consultation is available. Call (732) 714-7040 to get yourself on the path to feeling better again.

*The mass media is a major culprit in promoting what I call the Trance of Terror. Negativity draws attention thereby increasing their ratings and profitability. Being in a heightened state of fear also makes us more malleable to advertising and political messages. Heck, I would bet my title of Trance of Terror for this article drew your attention, did it not? Hmmm...

Monday, May 16, 2016

Hypnosis for IBS Research Project: Volunteers Needed

Irritable Bowel Syndrome or IBS is a condition that affects millions of Americans and is marked by persistent digestive tract symptoms such as cramps, constipation, diarrhea and feelings of unfinished bowel movements.

IBS is considered a "functional" condition in that while the symptoms are quite real, there is no known physical cause for it such as infection, lesions, injury, etc.

Unfortunately standard medical treatment often falls short and the medications prescribed for IBS can have negative side effects.

However, research going as far back as the 1980's suggests that mind/body healing methods like self-hypnosis and mindfulness meditation can often provide significant relief of symptoms. The most often cited study was conducted in Manchester, U.K. and a review of the literature will often bring up the term, the "Manchester protocol."

(Pub Med citation below)
Although stress does not cause IBS, it does aggravate the symptoms because of the brain-gut connection.

I am currently looking for 5 or so volunteers with IBS who would be willing to experience a 7 session program based on the Manchester protocol to see if we can replicate the same positive results. Volunteers need to be:
  • Formally diagnosed with IBS by a physician. I am not a medical doctor and cannot diagnose your symptoms. Rather I will be teaching you specialized stress relief techniques.
  • Willing to follow the protocol which entails coming to the scheduled one-to-one sessions and carrying out the homework assignments between visits, mostly listening to training audio programs.
  • Have access to an mp3 or CD player.
Confidentiality is ensured and any results shared publicly will only include identifying data such as the gender, age, duration of symptoms and degree of relief experienced amongst the volunteers.  

To discuss the possibility of your participation, please give me a call at (732) 714-7040.

Saturday, April 30, 2016

Exam Nerves?

Test Anxiety Help NJ


Exam nerves or test anxiety can be a real bear to deal with. You put in the time and effort to study, complete all of your assignments, but when it comes to test time BLANK!

Over the years I have encountered many individuals who found test anxiety impaired their ability to pass important academic or professional exams, leaving them feeling stuck and frustrated. Large amounts of time, money and effort have been expended only to have a test stand in the way.

What is going on in these situations?

To begin, its helpful to consider a psychological concept known as state dependent memory which states that a memory is best recalled when a person is in the same state of consciousness as when the memory was first formed.

Situations where real or perceived danger is present activate the body's fight or flight mechanism where stress hormones such as adrenaline are released. As the name suggests this response will prepare you to run or fight but at the same time will impair your ability to think and act with care and precision.

This is why the military, law enforcement and other organizations that frequently operate under highly stressful conditions will structure their training exercises to be as realistic as possible. Its one thing to carry out a complex task in a calm environment and still another when fear and anxiety is present because of real or simulated danger.

Now with test anxiety one possibility would be to somehow make your study time as stressful as possible. But I imagine this would be kind of difficult to pull off, not to mention unpleasant!

The better option is to learn ways of manage and modulate your tension levels through hypnosis so they don't get out of hand at crunch time.

Why hypnosis?

Hypnosis deals directly with the automatic responses of the unconscious mind. Its not like you walk into an exam room and purposefully decide to get nervous.

And you may have found that logically trying to reason fear away doesn't work too well either. The subconscious mind is imaginative and emotional, so a different approach is called for.

A customized, 3 session program usually works best in these situations and the modest investment involved often makes all the difference. A free, confidential phone consultation is available, call (732) 714-7040.

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Is Your Smoking Habit an Addiction?

In the group and individual smoking cessation programs I offer the discussion often includes the question as to whether cigarettes are truly "addictive."

Over the years I have come to the conclusion the answer is either yes or no and a lot hinges on how you perceive the idea of addiction.

For some addiction implies an inability to function without the drug of choice and the prospect of agonizing withdrawal symptoms if you do decide to let go of the habit.

This does hold true for many people who have a heavy narcotic habit and with some hardcore alcoholics-withdrawal in these cases may need medical intervention in order to be done safely.

On this count cigarette smoking is not addictive. As far as I know, no one has ever died for nicotine withdrawal. Next time you see your doctor ask if he or she has ever admitted someone to the hospital due to complications related to smoking cessation . Chances are you will get a puzzled look and the response of "no."

Any temporary physical or emotional symptoms experienced when you stop smoking are harmless and will pass soon enough if you don't light up again.

Now where smoking does resemble other addictions is in that once you stop it is a really crazy bad idea to think you can cheat once in awhile without relapsing.

The scenario usually entails the person rationalizing that sneaking one cigarette here and there won't hurt. However, experience shows that more often than not the ex-smoker will return to the full blown habit sooner than later. If you were a serious smoker (pack a day+ for years) controlled use is probably not an option for you, breaking free once and for all is the way to go.

So on that count smoking is like an addiction in that once you break free, don't tempt fate by cheating.

If you have any questions on how my smoking cessation program can help you to lead a healthier, cleaner and possibly longer life, please call me for a free, confidential phone consultation at (732) 714-7040.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Tinnitus Coping Tip #5-Habituation

Tinnitus Help NJ

Let me start with a story...

A number of years ago I used to have a social services job where one of my duties was to visit adult psychiatric patients who had been recently discharged from the state hospital to see if they keeping up with their aftercare arrangements.

Many of these individuals lived in the impoverished neighborhoods that border Newark airport. If you've even been there you would know that 24/7, 365 days a year there are jetliners continually landing and taking off. Not only is it loud, sometimes the planes fly so low overhead the windows and walls in their homes would actually shake!

Yet one thing I noticed soon was that for most part, the local residents barely responded to the endless cacophony.  It was just "there."

You can see the same thing going on in the outer boroughs of NYC where some parts of the subway line are elevated over the street. The screeching and rattling overhead quite often startles visitors, but the locals pay it scant attention, it's just "there."

This is all due to a natural process known as habituation-where repetitive stimuli eventually does not register as much in the conscious mind. The sounds from the airport or the subway haven't decreased, but the level of attention paid to them has.

People who successfully cope with tinnitus appear to go through the same process habituation even though the stimulus originates within the nervous system and not the external environment like an actual sound does. For these people, the sound is just "there" but not given much attention even though the neural signal that is perceived as a sound is still present.

There are a couple of factors that can interfere with habituation. These include:
  • When the stimuli has a negative emotional attachment to it such as fear or anger as this can keep your attention focused on it.
  • When a person is under considerable stress as this can lead to a phenomena known as Central Sensitivity Syndrome or C.S.S. where the mind's ability to filter out unpleasant sensations becomes impaired. (You can read more about C.S.S. here)
This is why stress relief practices in the form of hypnosis, mindfulness meditation, yoga and acupuncture can be helpful to people learning to cope with tinnitus.

Once you get out of constantly being in the fight or flight stress mode, your natural coping mechanism of habituation will improve.

A free, confidential phone consultation is available if you have any questions, call (732) 714-7040.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Tinnitus Coping Tip #4 Can Mindfulness Help?

Tinnitus Help NJ

A lot of media attention has been given recently to the topic of mindfulness meditation as a useful intervention for stress and anxiety.

Mindfulness is a relatively simple concept but can be quite profound in its effects once you grasp it. It is defined as a state of being completely engaged in the present moment. How could this be helpful to you?

Proponents of mindfulness state that the primary source of stress is when we leave the present moment and either a) dwell on negative events from the past that cannot be changed or b) project our worries into the future, frequently called "what if" thinking.

I've encountered people with tinnitus who constantly replay the events that may have initiated the symptoms, such as,"how could I have been so stupid to go to that loud concert without my ear plugs?" Still others spend a lot of time worrying, "what if this gets worse, am I going to go crazy?"

These thoughts can be as anxiety producing as the actual ringing or buzzing itself.

Yet when you think about it, you are actually OK in the present moment as long as you are breathing. In fact the method of mindfulness meditation I teach to my hypnosis clients usually involves a focus on the breath.

Now you may be wondering though about what if you have an unpleasant symptom going on such as chronic pain or tinnitus, why would you want to be mindful then?

Part of a mindfulness practice is becoming more able to accept whatever is going on in the present moment without judgment. You learn to detach a bit and observe your thoughts and feelings rather than resisting them.

Your negative thoughts and feelings aren't really part of you, they are temporary experiences that will pass, especially if you don't energize them with your attention.

As the Buddha was quoted as saying, "our suffering arises from resisting what is."

A helpful metaphor is to think about thoughts, feelings and sensations as being like ripples in a pond rather than the pond itself.

As mentioned, mindfulness meditation is one of the techniques I teach during my hypnosis sessions along with other methods of self-hypnosis.

If you would like to learn more, a free, confidential phone consultation is available. Call (732) 714-7040. 

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Tinnitus Coping Tip #3-Buyer Beware

Tinnitus Help NJ

Since I've done a fair amount of online research on the topic of tinnitus relief, the elves that run the internet assume I must have tinnitus too due to my search history.

As a result I frequently receive unsolicited (spam) ads for various and sundry tinnitus relief products. The question is: do any of them work?

It is fully understandable that if you are struggling with tinnitus that you would pay just about anything for instant relief. Yet do keep in mind that unfortunately there is a segment of the population that will gladly exploit the desperation of others for their own personal gain.

The strategies that do have a proven history of helping people habituate to their tinnitus such as sound masking therapies, exercise and mind/body healing methods like mindfulness meditation, acupuncture and self-hypnosis are not ones that normally provide overnight results. Usually its going take some time and persistence for you to experience significant improvement.

So it makes the appeal all the more understandable of "magic tinnitus ear drops" and other concoctions that claim they will knock out the ringing and buzzing in nothing flat.

Yet there is no documented proof that any of these remedies are any more effective than a placebo and some of the ingredients, especially from some of the less than reputable online distributors, may actually be harmful. That and they can be quite expensive.

This is not to say that nutritional therapy is of no value. I know of many healthcare providers who practice what is known as integrative medicine who recommend supplements to their patients.

Certain nutrients such as the B-complex, vitamin C and magnesium can become depleted when a person is a state of high anxiety, which is often the case when someone is experiencing tinnitus.

Yet you would be well-served to consult with a nutritionally oriented physician or pharmacist who can help you determine proper dosage and what nutrients would be right for your particular situation. And it bears repeating, there is no "magic bullet," nutritional or otherwise, for tinnitus at this time.

If you would like to explore mind/body healing for your tinnitus situation, a free, confidential phone consultation is available by calling (732) 714-7040.

Reference for this article: Dr. Robert DiSogra is an audiologist from Freehold, NJ who is very knowledgeable about treating tinnitus and has a published article on supplements for tinnitus posted through at the link below.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Mind Viruses, Are You at Risk?

If you spend any time online you are probably familiar with what are called nowadays as "memes," those pictures with some sort of message on them that are often funny and/or provocative. Yet are there are also memes that may be undermining your ability to lead a healthier and happier life?

Relatively few people know the origin of the meme concept-although it is quite interesting.  The term was coined by author and biologist Richard Dawkins and is a mashup of genetics and the Greek word for mimicry.

Dawkins contended that cultural ideas spread like genes (or viruses) and that they are passed along from person to person and are subject to the forces of natural selection and evolution just like a living organism.

A field of study known as memetics has arisen that studies these patterns of thought transmission within a cultural group.

For an idea to survive it has to replicate or it eventually becomes extinct. However this survival is not dependent on whether the meme is accurate or beneficial. 

Quite often the opposite is true.

While funny and uplifting messages do sometimes pass the survival of the fittest test-just as often negative and patently false ideas get successfully perpetuated-any election year provides an abundance of examples.

On a person level, there is an excellent chance you have bought into one or more of these memes or mind viruses. Do any of these sound familiar?

"I'll never be able to stop smoking because nicotine is as addictive as heroin or cocaine."

"No one ever succeeds at weight loss."

"The rich get rich and the poor get poorer."

Something every professional hypnotist learns via training and experience is that a person's belief system shapes their experience for good or ill. A false belief might as well be true if someone believes in it strongly enough.

Hypnosis and self-hypnosis can help you clear out your negative memes and replace them with more empowering ones.

If you have any questions, please feel free to connect. A free, confidential phone consultation is available, call (732) 714-7040.

Monday, February 29, 2016

Tinnitus Coping Tip #2

Tinnitus Help NJ

In our previous coping tip, we mentioned how there is the neurological signal that is producing the sensory experience of tinnitus and then there is the emotional response to it and that most therapies address the latter since there is no known "cure" for most cases.

Its interesting to note that tinnitus and chronic pain do share some similarities. In particular, it is believed that a gatekeeper function of the nervous system that normally blocks sensory experiences is malfunctioning, something that is called Central Sensitivity Syndrome or C.S.S..

Stress, anxiety and sleep deprivation are all thought to contribute to the development of C.S.S, which is why mind/body healing methods such as hypnosis, mindfulness meditation, acupuncture and yoga are often helpful with tinnitus and chronic pain even though they really aren't doing anything about the initial neurological signal. Rather they help tame the negative response.

However, there is one pitfall that you should be aware of, which leads to to:

Tip #2-Avoid black and white thinking- over the years in my capacity as a professional hypnotist, I have noticed a difference between people learn to cope successfully with tinnitus versus those who don't-actually this idea applies to virtually everyone I see.

The person who insists that anything other than a complete and absolute removal of their symptoms is a waste of time will usually remain stuck and miserable.

The successful clients have been those who appreciate that an initial reduction in their distress of say 20 or 30% is worthwhile progress and they build on that, having progressively more good days as time goes by.

While its understandable why someone would wish for an instant and complete cure, expecting or demanding one is only going to set you up for failure.

As the Buddha was quoted as saying, "our suffering arises from resisting what is."

Now this does not meant to suggest anyone would want tinnitus or chronic pain. But an odd thing is that acceptance often leads to greater comfort.

You don't have to have a complete remission (although that would be wonderful) to benefit from taking proactive steps to increase your comfort level.

Do please feel free to connect if you have any questions, I am here to help! A free, confidential phone consultation is available, call (732) 714-7040.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Tinnitus Coping Tip #1

Tinnitus Help NJ Info

Tinnitus, a chronic ringing, buzzing or hissing in the ears, can be a challenging and stressful condition to have. The medical community has little to offer in the way of a treatment and quite frequently patients are told to, "go home and learn to live with it," without receiving any specific guidance on how to do that-which causes many people to panic.

In this and comings posts I am going to share some observations regarding effective coping tips that I have come across in my experience as both a professional hypnotist who teaches stress reduction skills as well as someone who has facilitated support groups for people learning to adjust to tinnitus.

First of all its important to note that the experience of tinnitus is comprised of two basic components: the sensory signal and your response to it.

Since tinnitus is not truly sound (a vibration carried on airwaves) logic tells us that it is generated somewhere within the sensory apparatus that processes sound: the ears, otic nerve and the brain.

At the risk of oversimplification, somewhere along that chain, a nerve is misfiring and that is being misinterpreted by your consciousness as being a sound.

At the present moment, the medical community does not have a way of mitigating those unwanted signals.

So for now it is important to focus on what you can control-your response to the signal. Which brings us to:

Tip # 1 Using sound to your advantage: its a known that the human mind can only attend to a certain amount of stimuli at one time.

For example, if you had a pounding headache and all of a sudden a hungry looking tiger walked into the room, trust me you would completely forget about the headache for the time being!

A more commonplace example is when someone is enjoying herself and forgets all about her aches and pains for the time being.

Many people with tinnitus report that the sounds seem to become louder when they have nothing to do or when they try to fall asleep. This is probably because there has been a reduction in competing stimuli-rather than an increase in the actual volume of the tinnitus. Sort of how a candle can seem very bright in a dark room, yet it would be hard to tell if that candle were even lit if it were outside on a bright day.

Experiment with a variety of background sounds you find soothing and/or interesting, having them play at around 90% of the perceived volume of the tinnitus. This can give your attention somewhere else to go.

I've heard of a DIY version of a "sound pillow" where you put the earbuds from an iPod type device between the pillow and the case to help the transition from sleep to waking.

That's it for this time. Make sure you be on the lookout for future tips in future editions of the Creative Calm Newsletter. Also please feel free to connect with your questions as I'm here to help! A free, confidential phone consultation is available, call (732) 714-7040.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Do Hypnotists Have Special Powers?

Do hypnotists have a secret and special power that allows them to powerfully and magically influence others? There is a certain mystique surrounding the profession that seems to suggest that, however the truth is far different and really quite empowering.

Chances are you have heard about the many well documented cases where an ordinary person demonstrated what seems to be superhuman strength during an emergency situation.

For example, a man is working beneath his car when the jack slips, pinning him beneath thousands of pounds of steel.

Acting quickly, his mother rushes over and lifts the car, allowing him to escape and saving his life.

Now would it be accurate to say the emergency endowed her with abnormal strength? From a scientific viewpoint the answer is no. If her nerves, muscles, bones and connective tissue were not capable of generating sufficient force in the first place, her son would have remained trapped.

What happened was that the dire circumstance allowed her to bypass the belief, “there is no way I could ever lift a car!”

Now let’s imagine a stage hypnotist is putting on a show in a local comedy club.  One of his volunteers is a well-built young man. The suggestion is offered to him, “in a moment when I count to three and snap my fingers, your right foot will feel too heavy lift off the floor, the harder you try to lift it, the more stuck, the more glued town it becomes.”

1-2-3 SNAP! and in short order his friends in the audience have their  jaws hanging open. The strongest guy they know is now too weak to lift his own foot!

Now did the hypnotist actually remove someone’s strength in this case? No, the young man’s body still had the potential to carry out the easy act of lifting his foot. However his belief in his ability to do so had changed for the time being and his unconscious mind made the nervous and muscular adjustments needed to follow the suggestion and keep his foot stuck.

One more example. Half the volunteers in a clinical trial for a new pain killing drug are given a placebo, a pill that contains nothing more than powdered sugar. Yet a significant number of them report they feel much better.

What has been discovered is that the belief the placebo effect can actually result in a person to increase the manufacture of their bodies own pain-killing substances known as endorphins.

In all of these examples what we have seen is how changes in perception and perception can increase or decrease our ability to express our true potential.

So to answer the original question as to whether a professional hypnotist has special or magical powers, the answer is no. Rather he or she is more like a catalyst that enables you to more fully access your true inner potential-which I suspect is far greater than you may realize!