Tuesday, June 9, 2015

NJ Hypnotist James Malone on Mental Rehearsal

Numerous authorities have stated that visualizing your goals can help you achieve them. However, research by psychologist Gabrielle Oettingen indicates certain conditions have to be met as "wishful thinking" by itself is only part of the equation and can actually be counter-productive as a stand alone practice.

Simply picturing yourself as successful may be a pleasant and relaxing experience. Yet it also apparently sends a message to your subconscious mind to not put forth the necessary energy since the goal seems to be a "done deal."

What has been found to work is a process called "mental contrasting" where you a) visualize your success and then b) imagine carrying out the necessary action steps.

Let's say you wish to drop some unwanted pounds and inches. A self-hypnosis practice might involve these steps:
 -Intentionally relax the mind and body (my 7 Minutes Stress Buster mp3 will teach you this process for free) as it increases suggestibility.
-Dwell on an image of yourself at your ideal size, shape and condition, spend about 30-60 seconds with this step.
-Next, move on to a 30-60 second "movie" of the action steps you will be taking to make that happen such as healthy eating, exercising, etc.
-Count from 1 to 5 to return to everyday waking consciousness.

 Mental contrasting is one of several self-hypnosis techniques I enjoy teaching my clients. If you would like a free, confidential phone consultation, call (732) 714-7040 as I am here to help.

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