Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Are You Ready? 3 Questions to Ask

Deciding to make a healthy change in your life can be simultaneously exciting and a little scary. Although you may be tired of being burdened with a problem, you may also be concerned if you are really ready to move forward or will you fail.

Although hypnosis can sharply reduce the learning curve when it comes to creating healthy new habits, you have to be a willing, able and engaged participant in the process in order to succeed.

The three questions below can help you determine your readiness. Rate your response on a scale of 0 to 100

1) How much of a negative effect has this problem had on my life?

0................................................................. 50 ............................................................ 100
NO EFFECT                                                          EXTREMELY NEGATIVE EFFECT

2) How important is it for me to feel better?

0 ............................................................... 50 ..............................................................100
NOT IMPORTANT AT ALL                                                         VERY IMPORTANT

3) How willing am I to make solving this problem a priority in my life?

0 ............................................................. 50...............................................................100
NOT A PRIORITY                                                    EXTREMELY HIGH PRIORITY

SCORING: If you scored less than 50 on two or more scales, you may not be ready at the present moment, but this can change over time. Ask yourself, "what would it take for this issue to become a priority?"

If you scored 50 or more on two or more scales, you are most likely ready to put forth the effort required to make a healthy change. Please give me call at (732) 714-7040 for a free, confidential phone consultation so we can discuss a plan to get you where you want to be.

Reference: source material for this post was found at;


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