Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Rewinding Toxic Memories
hypnotist james malone
 Tuesday, October 11  @ 7 PM
Do you feel limited by unpleasant memories from the past that don’t seem to be fading or losing their strength? Upsetting events can often leave their imprint indefinitely, creating unhealthy fear and stress. During this lecture  by Life Enhancement Hypnotist James Malone you are going to explore some cutting edge info on how you can release the impact of the past. You will learn about:
  • How persistent negative memories are stored differently in the brain.
  • Why ancient survival mechanisms can bring about modern day fears.
  • The reason some methods of releasing fears and trauma can actually make a person feel worse. 
  • A new method of releasing toxic memories that is both highly effective and comfortable to experience. 
There is no fee to attend, but preregistration is requested due to limited class size. Enroll through the link below to confirm your attendance and to receive a set of directions to his office in Point Pleasant Beach. Your deserve better than feeling stressed, stuck and frustrated!

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