Sunday, August 21, 2016

Preparing for Your First Hypnosis Session: 7 Helpful Tips

It's been my observation that people coming in for their first hypnosis session are experiencing a wide variety of expectations as to what it will or will not be like.  Below are some ideas that can help you get the most out of your first hypnosis session and the ones that follow.

  1. When you have the want, you will find the how. How important is reaching your goal to you? I often have clients assess their desire for change on a 1-10 scale, 1=little or no desire, 10= highest level. Unless you are rating a 7 or better, you will probably have weak commitment and a diminished chance for success. If your score is low, what would have to happen in order to raise it? You have to bring personal commitment to the table in order for this process to work.
  2. Relax, nothing crazy is going to happen. The hypnotic demonstrations you may have seen in a comedic show or the movies bear little or no resemblance to what goes on in a private or group session for personal transformation. There would be no reason on earth for me to try and make you do anything silly or embarrassing in this setting. You will be awake and in control the entire time we work together.
  3. Realize there are different ways people feel when hypnotized. While some people go into a profound state of deep relaxation during hypnosis, others experience it more subtly where it feels more like daydreaming.  Numerous studies have shown "trance depth" has little or no bearing on how effective the session will be. If you have concerns that you can't be hypnotized, here is a hint. Act as if you were the best candidate for hypnosis on the planet and you will become that person.
  4. Decide to go with the flow. Many potential clients have a fear that somehow they will mess up the process. This can in fact happen is by being overly analytical and not following the instructions given during the session.  Doing so prevents the positive suggestions and images being offered by the hypnotist from being accepted  and acted upon by the subconscious mind, which is what you are there for, right? If your analytical mind could solve the problem you are facing, it would have done so by now.  The hypnosis session involves a totally different approach. You will bump up your chances of success greatly by deciding to adopt an easygoing attitude and by being as cooperative as possible: a decision only you can make. Keep in mind this decision is for your benefit, not the hypnotist's. Follow his or her lead in order to get the most out of your investment of time and money.
  5. Doing your homework is absolutely essential. You want to know a main difference that sets successful clients apart from others who are less successful? Virtually every hypnosis session concludes with some sort of homework assignment involving self-hypnosis, listening to an audio mp3 or doing some kind of coaching exercise. On average suggestions last 3 to 5 days unless they are reinforced and it takes 21 to 30 days to establish a new habit pattern. 20+ years of professional experience has shown me that the clients who do their homework assignments do well, the others have less consistent, hit or miss results. Be ready to do your homework.
  6. Its often not 'one and done'- although amazing results can be experienced in a single session(especially if you do your post-session homework) a multiple session program will usually yield a better outcome. 3 or 4 visits is the norm, with some clients opting for more.
  7. Decide to do your best and make this work. Hypnosis is something done with you, not to you. It's not up to a hypnotist to make you do anything, rather he or she is a coach that is there to assist and guide you. Its similar to how star basketball players expect their coach to provide expert guidance and encouragement, but don't expect the coach to actually play the game for them.
Follow these tips and chances are you will do just fine.
If you have any questions, please feel free to connect by either calling me at (732) 714-7040 or using one of the contact forms at my website

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