Thursday, June 30, 2016

Your Axl Pic?

There was a news item a few weeks back about how Guns N' Roses vocalist Axl Rose was attempting to have unflattering pictures of himself taken down from the internet.

During the 1990's while he was fronting that famous hard rock band, Axl had the super thin physique often associated with rock stars. However, over the past decade or so he has gained a significant amount of weight.

Some individuals have used recent photos of Axl to create what are called "memes," where images and text are combined to promote some sort of message that get passed around on the internet. In his case, the memes have centered around some rather unkind "fat jokes."

Its interesting to note that weight loss efforts are frequently spurred on by either seeing a less than complimentary picture of yourself or by the prospect of an occasion where pictures will be taken such as a wedding or class reunion.

In behavioral science, this is called "away motivation"-where we move in the opposite direction of a situation that causes us pain in some way.

Away motivation can be very powerful force, but it tends to be limited in that once partial or full success has been achieved, it falls to the wayside. Another potential downside with away motivation in weight loss is that it is often shame based.

Toward motivation is when we take action in the direction of something that we want. In the case of healthy weight loss, this can be improved appearance, increased energy, better mobility and comfort, enhanced health and so on.

Now its perfectly fine if your "Axl Pic" has gotten you fired up enough to take some positive action towards a healthier lifestyle, but be sure to look at the benefits that will keep you motivated in the long run too.

A customized hypnosis program can provide you with tools that can help you achieve your healthier future.

If you ever have any questions, please feel free to connect by giving me a call at (732) 714-7040.

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