Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Hypnotic Pause Button mp3

When I facilitate stress relief groups many participants report that "time pressure" is a major problem for them-the sense that there is never enough time, too much on their plate, etc...
After awhile you can feel less like a 'human being' and more like a 'human doing!'

Good time management skills and learning to assertively say no to the demands of others when you have too much on your plate can certainly help. 

It's also important to set aside time for yourself, yet this can be tricky if you are spending your "me time" cooking up more to do lists!

This is where the Hypnotic Pause Button mp3 can help.  What if you could pause time and really step back from your worries for awhile?

You see hypnosis is a wonderful tool for changing your perception of time and this audio program helps you get some distance from time pressure and worry so that you come back feeling stronger, smarter and more resilient.

It's about 10 minutes in length total, so you won't be making excuses not to use it. In mp3 format , you can listen to it on virtually any digital device or you can burn a hard copy CD from the file. Your investment is just $4.97, order through the secure link below.

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Hypnotic Pause Button mp3-$4.97

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