Thursday, December 14, 2017

Health Creation 2018- an Upcoming Class

On Saturday, January 6 at 11 AM I will be offering a Health Creation class for anyone who is looking for inspiration and guidance on how to make 2018 a healthier and happier one for yourself. It will be held in the 2nd floor conference room at my office building, 302 Hawthorne Ave (Route 35 N) Point Pleasant Beach, NJ.

The start of the New Year is often when people consider adopting a healthier lifestyle, however it can be challenging to do this on your own. The information we will be covering is derived from my 20+ years experience and training as a professional hypnotist and health coach. Some of the topics we will be exploring include;
-How to set goals that are motivating yet realistic.
-Identifying and overcoming potential obstacles.
-The 5 secrets of healthy eating.
-Proper ways to use encouraging self-talk.
-A new way to look at setbacks.

There will also be a guided imagery process that will help you to develop a more confident mindset. All participants will also receive a complimentary print copy of my new book Attainable Sustainable CHANGE along with a secret gift worth much more than the price of admission.

Advance prepaid registration* is required due to limited class size, which you can handle through the secure Pay Pal link below. If you have any questions, please feel free to give me a call at (732) 714-7040, I hope to see you there!

Health Creation Class-$20.18*

*Please note prepaid tuition is non-refundable, however if you cannot attend a credit can be applied to a future group or private service.

Saturday, December 9, 2017

Empowering Questions? A Free Life Enhancement Tip

The use of affirmations is a time tested means of cultivating a positive mindset. Essentially the method involves making self-statements where you state a desired goal as if it were currently true. Examples:

"I am strong and confident."
"I see myself as thin and healthy."
"I choose to eat healthy foods in the right amount."

It is known that if a suggestion is delivered repetitively and with emotion, eventually it will be accepted by the subconscious mind as true. Yet some people don't have the desired response to affirmations, especially when there is a wide gap between their intentions and their current perceived reality. It can seem too much of a stretch if a person is excessively stressed or in a place of deep discouragement to imply they feel otherwise.

An alternative to affirmations is the use of what could be called empowering questions. This technique takes advantage of two little known principles that enable you to avoid creating conscious resistance.

First, the brain will reflexively attempt to answer any question put to it and may continue to work on it "under the radar" so to speak even if you don't know the answer right away. A perfect example of this is the tip of the tongue phenomena. Let's say you try to remember the name of someone you went to high school with but you draw a blank. Hours later when you are doing something totally unrelated, the name springs to mind. Clearly the subconscious mind continued to work on the challenge.

The second principle is that questions indirectly make assumptions. If I ask you how to get to the train station, its assumed going there is indeed possible or the question wouldn't be asked.
To use this technique, silently ask yourself a simple question such as:

"What can I do today that will improve my health?"
"How will I make my business more successful today?"
"What will enable me to feel more confident when I give my presentation tomorrow?"
"Why am I going to succeed at reaching my weight loss goals?"

Reflect on the question for a moment and then let the subconscious work on it. Sort of like the old rotisserie grill infomercial where you "set it and forget it." You might be pleasantly surprised at how the empowering question stimulates your problem solving resources.

I would encourage you to actually write out your empowering question on a post it note or index card and put it somewhere where you will regularly see it like on your mirror or nightstand to create a new habit of thinking.

Please feel free to connect if you have any questions, you can call me directly at (732) 714-7040.

P.S. This and other self-help tools can be found in my new book Attainable Sustainable CHANGE at Amazon

Friday, November 10, 2017

Attainable Sustainable CHANGE Book Release!

I am proud to announce the release of my latest book Attainable Sustainable CHANGE.  It's your guide to creating a healthy eating, exercise and stress relief program that you can actually stick with.

It comes from my training as both a professional hypnotist and health coach and encourages you to look at the lifestyle modifications you wish to make from a perspective that does not consider the mind and body separate. 

When trying harder hasn't worked, isn't time to do something different?

Considerable attention is given on developing the mindset of health creation. Topics include:

  • Connecting with your deeper motivation.
  • Overcoming obstacles.
  • Empowering self-talk
  • Safe nutritional and exercise guidelines.
  • Lapse and relapse prevention.
Attainable and Sustainable CHANGE is available in print and Kindle formats at Amazon

Digital formats other than the Kindle can be found at Smashwords:

P.S, The contents of this book are also at the heart of the 6 Week Attainable Sustainable Change program I offer, details at

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Tinnitus Stress Magnified?

I occasionally  participate in an online forum for people looking for effective strategies when it comes to dealing with tinnitus.

Recently I posted this question to the members there:

"I have been an ATA support group leader in the past here at the Jersey Shore. I also see clients with tinnitus in my hypnosis practice. Here's the question. Do you believe that the initial interactions with your healthcare providers when you developed tinnitus helped or hindered your recovery? I am curious as I have encountered people who felt they were treated with less than adequate sensitivity and this created a sense of hopelessness and panic. For example being told "you have tinnitus, there's nothing that can be done, go home and learn to live with it" without being given any actual direction on coping strategies. Is this commonplace or just a few healthcare providers with a deficiency in empathy and communications skills?" 

Dozens of group members took the time to reply and indeed it does seem that the being traumatized by poor communication from healthcare providers is unfortunately rather common.

While some respondents stated they received supportive care, many didn't replying with comments like:
"I was told by an ENT that I waited 9 months to see "just ignore it". My visit was 4 minutes long"

"I saw an insensitive audiologist at a well know high street store who told me people committed suicide with tinnitus. He thoroughly depressed me and scared me to death!! Thank god I saw a hospital audiologist who gave me hope my brain would get fed up and filter the sound out."

"My G.P. used those very words!! "You have Tinnitus, we can't do anything for you, you'll have to learn to live with it!!"

"I'm in Perth Australia and YES I also hate the doctor who said exactly what you wrote. I cried for weeks without any direction. It was  horrible."

The experience of having tinnitus is complex as I am sure you are aware. There is the neurological misfiring that is creating the perceived noise and then there is a person's response to that signal which can vary depending on stress levels and personal expectations.

I suspect that those people who received negative, pessimistic or dismissive communication from their initial healthcare provider had insult heaped on injury in that it increased anxiety and a sense of hopelessness and made the subjective perception of the tinnitus worse.

Never underestimate the reach of the mind/body connection to work in the other direction too.  People who feel better tend to heal better and anything you can do to reduce stress, anxiety and pessimism will help in the long run.

If you could use some help, please consider me a resource. A free initial phone consultation is available, call (732) 714-7040 to set that up.

P.S. I also have free self-help resources for tinnitus you can access at

Monday, October 23, 2017

On the heels of the recent revelations regarding a Hollywood mogul who apparently is a monstrous sexual predator, the hashtag #metoo this week became a way for women to show solidarity on social media platforms, indicating that they too had been victimized by this type of abuse and harassment.

It was very saddening to see how many women have been mistreated in this way and keep in mind these are just the ones who are willing to be publicly identified. The real number is surely much higher.

These kind of traumatic events may leave lasting negative imprints that can significantly impact a person's quality of life unless address properly processed.

After a traumatic experience takes place, for a time there will usually be strong emotional reactions when it is recalled. In the process of healing, the emotions eventually dissipate and the event goes to what is called, "narrative memory." You know it happened, yet it doesn't provoke as powerful a reaction when you think about it.

Yet for some the memories remain fresh; even decades later it can seem as if it happened yesterday.

This becomes problematic since anything that reminds the person of the original event can provoke feelings of fear and anxiety due to a process known as pattern matching.  For example, a person isn't just afraid of the man who abused her, but is fearful of all men in his age group. This kind of dynamic takes place in many other types of unhealthy fears such as public speaking, heights, insects, etc. The generalization ends up limiting the individual that in a way that is not helpful.

A highly effective technique for decreasing the effect of negative memories is the Rewind Technique. I was trained in it a few years back and have seen some notable successes with it.

What attracted me to the Rewind Technique is that it is completely non-traumatic to the client. It is not a process where a person has to vividly relive past hurt, but rather learns how to release the emotional charge. Another positive attribute of the method is that a person does not have to share much in the way of specific details related to the hurt or upset, a general description is adequate.

If you or someone you know may benefit from some assistance in getting over a negative past experience,. a free, confidential phone consultation is available by calling (732) 714-7040

P.S. If you are a professional hypnotist or other helping professional, you can learn about training in the Rewind Technique and other helpful interventions at the Uncommon Knowledge Web Site.

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Lady Ga Ga's Pain?

I saw today that a new Netflix documentary is about to be released on the topic of Lady Ga Ga's personal ordeal with fibromyalgia (FM)

FM is a disabling condition marked by diffuse pain, fatigue and cognitive difficulties. Currently there isn't a definitive and consistently effective medical treatment for FM and patients frequently suffer for years.

You will often see different self-care measures such as yoga, massage and mind/body healing methods like meditation and hypnosis mentioned as being potentially helpful and with good reason.

The experience of pain is greatly magnified when the sympathetic nervous system (fight or flight) is continually activated, this is also quite exhausting and interferes with healing. So anything that puts you into a deeply relaxed state can help.

There is also many who believe that unresolved traumatic events can have a hand in the development of FM and other chronic pain situations. There are specific hypnotic techniques that enhance the healing process from past upsets such as the Rewind Technique that I was trained in.

If you would like to learn more, I am here to help. Give me a call at (732) 714-7040 for a free and confidential phone consultation or connect at my website at

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Health Coaching, New Service Available

This week I passed my exam to become a Certified Health Coach through the American Council on Exercise and I wanted to let you know about a new service I will be offering in addition to hypnosis counseling. The program I completed is accredited by the National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA), the same body that accredits certifications for athletic trainers, nurse practitioners, occupational therapists, registered dietitians and many other health professions.

Often a person wishes to make lifestyle changes related to exercise and nutrition in order to improve health and appearance as well as reduce stress levels. Yet it can be hard to know how to start and this is where the Health Coach can be of assistance. Services include:

-Assessing whether it is safe for you to begin a progressive exercise program.
-Helping you to identify goals and a plan to overcome obstacles.
-Providing guidelines on movement and nutrition based on sound, evidence-based research.
-Offer support and encouragement as you make lifestyle changes.

I know I learned a lot of things that I have personally found helpful in the process of this course and look forward to sharing with others. In particular, those who have repeatedly felt stuck and frustrated when it comes to creating a healthier lifestyle.

Health coaching services can be utilized as a standalone or can be integrated with traditional hypnosis services depending on your needs and preferences. I look forward to helping you move forward into your healthier future, give me a call at (732) 714-7040 if you have any questions.

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

The Egg Rescuer-A Back to School Story

Like a lot of parents, I experienced a mixture of excitement and apprehension sending the kids off to begin a new school year this week. While it is natural to worry a bit, its also important to step back and let the young people in your life struggle a bit with their challenges in and out of the classroom.

Which reminds me of a story...

Once there was a teenage girl who absolutely loved animals and she became a volunteer at an animal rescue center. She was very responsible and everyone appreciated the enthusiastic help she provided.

In the center was an incubator for bird eggs that had been abandoned by the mother or had fallen out the nest. For the past week there had been a large specimen in the incubator that had captured the girl's fascination.

What was the bird going to look like when it hatched? On this particular day she noticed the thin, flexible egg shell popping up slightly in one spot and then another-the baby bird was trying to peck his way out!

Excited, she took out her pocket knife and was going to carefully help her little bird friend escape from the egg until a voice behind cried out STOP! It was the director of the animal rescue center and she said, "thank goodness I caught you before its too late. I know you meant well, but that bird needs to struggle before it hatches or it won't be strong enough to survive afterward."

Happily the baby bird pecked his way out of the egg two days later and went on to be strong and healthy.

This story and others can be found in my e-book Hypnotic Storytelling, available at Amazon and other online booksellers.

P.S. If you or a younger chicken in your life could use some help, please feel free to connect with me by calling (732) 714-7040.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

There is a meeting of the Jersey Shore Tinnitus Support Group scheduled for this Saturday, September 9 at 11 AM in Point Pleasant Beach in the conference room at my office.

This is an opportunity to give and receive support and coping tips. There is no fee to attend but preregistration is requested which you can do by sending me an email at I will send you a set of directions when you do.

I hope all is well and hope to hear from you soon.

Best wishes,

James Malone

P.S. There are some free resource on stress relief for tinnitus you can access at

Monday, August 14, 2017

Free Self-Hypnosis Lesson

Self-hypnosis is a wonderful tool to help you in alleviating unhealthy stress and to program yourself toward greater success and optimism.

Way back in 1995 I took my initial training as a professional hypnotist with the late Dr. Richard Harte, who strongly advocated making self-hypnosis a part of your daily routine.

One self-hypnosis script he developed has remained a favorite of mine all these years later. I have incorporated it into an audio mp3 and PDF guide so that you can learn it too.

You can access your fee copy at my Online Store.

P.S. Feel free to connect if you have any questions, the telephone number here is (732) 714-7040.

Friday, July 21, 2017

Are You Really Ready for a Change?

If you have been considering using hypnosis to help you reach your healthy goals, its only natural to wonder how effective are the programs for your goal or issue.

A lot of times people ask if some are more receptive to hypnosis than others. While there are indeed those folks who seem more open to the process, experience has shown that being able to go into the "deeper" levels of trance is not really what decides whether someone succeeds or not.

Instead you should examine whether you are really ready to change at this time.  No matter what type of personal improvement program you begin, your readiness and willingness is going to be a major factor.

The quiz provided below will give you an idea if you are a good candidate for a personal transformation at this time.

Use the key at the end of the quiz to help better understand what stage you might be in.

1. Regarding my awareness about this behavior:
a. Others have suggested that I have a problem behavior but I don’t agree.
b. I might have a problem behavior but I am not sure.
c. I have a problem behavior.
2. When a loved one or trusted friend suggests that I may have a problem behavior …
a. I am likely to tune them out, change the subject or get defensive.
b. I don’t like it, but I know that they see something that worries them and are right in expressing concern.
c. I am ready to listen and talk about it.
3. This problem behavior …
a. is really just a nuisance and I don’t have time to deal with it.
b. is causing me worry and/or distress.
c. is causing me, and some of the people I care about, significant worry and/or distress.
4. When I think about my problem behavior …
a. I usually make excuses, rationalize or minimize its impact on my life.
b. I want to change but I don’t because of fear, pride or lack of motivation.
c. I really want to change but don’t know how to begin or continue once I start.
5. Regarding knowledge of my problem behavior:
a. I know very little about it.
b. I have begun learning more about it.
c. I have learned a great deal about it.
6. Regarding my knowledge of resources for my problem:
a. I don’t know of any resources.
b. I have learned about some of the resources available but don’t feel I have enough information.
c. I have more than adequate knowledge about how or where to get help.
7. Regarding my current motivation for change:
a. I have practically no, or very little, motivation at this time.
b. I have some motivation to change but I will need more to succeed.
c. I am very motivated to change.
8. Regarding my current plans to change:
a. At this time, I have no plans to change.
b. I am thinking about change and the impact it would have on my life.
c. I have a definite plan for change.
9. Regarding my support for change from others:
a. I have almost no support from others.
b. I have some support but it may not be enough.
c. I have excellent support.
10. Regarding previous attempts to change:
a. I have never seriously attempted to change this behavior.
b. I have tried to change on one or more occasions but have failed miserably.
c. I have tried to change before and have had some temporary success.
Scoring key
If you answered “a” to any question, give yourself 1 point.
If you answered “b” to any question, give yourself 5 points.
If you answered “c” to any question, give yourself 10 points.
Total your score. If your score is:
10-15 points, you are in the precontemplation stage. Your score suggests that you are not yet ready to engage in changing this problem behavior.
16-40 points, you are in the contemplation stage. Your score suggests that you are considering changing this behavior but are not quite ready. People in this stage seek knowledge and  additional encouragement before they engage in behavior change.

A suggestion: you might find one of my free e-courses helpful if you are in the contemplation stage. Each delivers a series of short, to the point lessons to your mailbox that may inspire you to move to the next level, hope is realistic!  You can sign up through the links below.

Stop Smoking Course:

Thinking Thin Weight Loss:

Mind/Body Healing Report:

41-100 points, you are in the preparation stage. Congratulations. Your score suggests that you are preparing to change this behavior. People in this stage have acquired additional knowledge and support and have a viable plan.

Hypnosis may be help you reach your goals as it has for so many others. Please give me a call at (732) 714-7040 for a complimentary Life Enhancement Strategy Session we can conduct over the phone or fill out the form at

Sources: Changing for Good by J.O. Prochaska, J. C. Norcross, and C.C. DiClemente. Morrow, 1994; The Transtheoretical Approach: Crossing the Traditional Boundaries of Therapy by J.O. Prochaska and C.C. DiClemente. Krieger Publishing Company, 1984.

Monday, July 17, 2017

Is it Hunger or Appetite? A Crucial Weight Loss Skill

The ability to tell the difference between hunger and appetite is a crucial skill when it comes to reaching and maintaining a healthy body weight. Yet initially it may be difficult for you to make this important distinction.

Hunger can be defined as the signal your body sends out when it needs food for fuel and repair. If you go too long without food, you may actually begin to feel lightheaded or weak.

Appetite is the desire to eat apart from natural hunger and can be triggered by emotions, thoughts and circumstances such as location, other people and time of day.

You will succeed in weight loss when you eat primarily from hunger rather than appetite. So how do you tell the difference?

One trait of hunger is that it gradually builds.  This is where what may be called the "20 minute rule" can be helpful. If you get the sudden urge to eat,  ask yourself, "did I want to eat 20 minutes ago?" If the answer is no, then most likely appetite is at work.

Another way to figure out the if it is hunger or appetite is whether you are being picky at that moment.

Let's imagine a situation where you have a friend who is not all that fond of apples.

He says, "I am really hungry, do you have anything to eat?" so you offer him an apple and he replies, "nah, I don't want that, do you have anything else?"

At this point we can safely guess that he is mistaking appetite for hunger because someone who has been stuck on a desert island for a week without proper rations would grab that Granny Smith in a heartbeat! That would be real hunger.

With some practice you can learn to appreciate your body's natural hunger signals and learn to avoid the extremes of being ravenous or stuffing yourself to the point of being uncomfortable. This is one of the essential practices in healthy weight loss and something I cover with my clients. Enhanced awareness of hunger vs. appetite can enable you to come with effective strategies for situations where you previously got off track.

If you would like to learn more, please give me a call at (732) 714-7040 for a complimentary Life Enhancement Strategy Session or fill out the form and I will get back to you ASAP

Saturday, July 8, 2017

Access Your Free Life Enhancement Strategy Starter Kit

Are you at a place where you are testing the waters when it comes to make a personal transformation whether it be quitting smoking, losing weight or releasing unhealthy stress or fears?

The Life Enhancement Strategy Starter Kit can provide with insights on how hypnosis can help you move forward and whether it is right for you. It includes:

-Is Hypnosis Right for You? A concise e-book that explains the how and why of hypnosis when it comes to personal change.

-The 7 Minute Stress Buster mp3. This audio program allows you to try a brief hypnosis session at home to experience what it feels like. 

-Readiness to Change Quiz. A short series of questions that will give you deeper clarity about your current situation.

This download is free, instantly access your copy through the Add To Cart button below

Add to Cart

Monday, June 26, 2017

Traveling with Tinnitus Tips

This is the time of year where many of us have travel plans. For someone with tinnitus or chronic ringing/buzzing of the ears there are specific concerns related to travel so as to not make your situation worse.

Over the years I have been a volunteer for the American Tinnitus Association, organizing support meetings and make myself available to offer  coping tips to those in need. Generally the advice is to protect yourself without becoming prisoner to your symptoms. In other words, live your life around your life and not the tinnitus.

For example, if you enjoy rock concerts or riding motorcycles go ahead and do so but make sure you wear adequate hearing protection.

 Another potential trigger for a tinnitus flare-up is flying due to the changes in barometric pressure. Some ENT's suggest using decongestants to make sure your Eustachian tubes are open and there also pressure equalizing earplugs you may wish to consider using. (I wrote more extensively on this topic in this Tinnitus Coping Tip post) 

Recently I received a note from someone who connected with me previously for advice regarding travel and tinnitus and she agreed to let me share the contents with you. 

Hi Jim,
I wrote to you a few months ago regarding my concern about flying with Tinnitus. While I still haven't been brave enough to step on a airplane, I did decide to go on a cruise. I was really concerned about how the wind on the boat might affect my Tinnitus. Also, I have mild hyperacusis and as a result, I don't enjoy being in loud places. 

I am happy to report that I had a great time. The wind on the ship didn't bother me at all. I chose a cabin that was on a floor with cabins above it and below it, so it was very quiet. Some of the entertainment was ear piercingly loud, including the main swimming pool during the day, so I either stayed away or just kept waking thru those venues on the ship. I also carried ear plugs in my pocket, just in case. While there were things I wasn't able to attend, I didn't feel the least bit deprived. Instead, I celebrated the fact that I could go and do most things on the ship. I even went on a glass bottom boat excursion!  But, ear plugs during the muster (evacuation) drill were a must! 

I wanted to pass this on to you because I'm sure there are others with Tinnitus and hyperacusis that have wondered about cruising and how it might affect them. I really saw little to no difference in my Tinnitus during the cruise. It also probably helped that I was busy focusing on my vacation, not on my Tinnitus. I had a very successful cruise, and hope I get the opportunity to go again. 

Best regards,


I believe the takeaway from this is that you got to take some calculated risks along with some prudent preparation and go out and enjoy yourself as she did, you might be pleasantly surprised. Have a great summer! 

P.S. I have some free self-help resources on my Tinnitus NJ Help page you may wish to check out. If you feel you may benefit from more intensive private sessions, they are available too. You can connect by calling (732) 714-7040 or filling out the Life Enhancement Strategy Form and I will get back to you ASAP.