Sunday, September 24, 2017

Lady Ga Ga's Pain?

I saw today that a new Netflix documentary is about to be released on the topic of Lady Ga Ga's personal ordeal with fibromyalgia (FM)

FM is a disabling condition marked by diffuse pain, fatigue and cognitive difficulties. Currently there isn't a definitive and consistently effective medical treatment for FM and patients frequently suffer for years.

You will often see different self-care measures such as yoga, massage and mind/body healing methods like meditation and hypnosis mentioned as being potentially helpful and with good reason.

The experience of pain is greatly magnified when the sympathetic nervous system (fight or flight) is continually activated, this is also quite exhausting and interferes with healing. So anything that puts you into a deeply relaxed state can help.

There is also many who believe that unresolved traumatic events can have a hand in the development of FM and other chronic pain situations. There are specific hypnotic techniques that enhance the healing process from past upsets such as the Rewind Technique that I was trained in.

If you would like to learn more, I am here to help. Give me a call at (732) 714-7040 for a free and confidential phone consultation or connect at my website at

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Health Coaching, New Service Available

This week I passed my exam to become a Certified Health Coach through the American Council on Exercise and I wanted to let you know about a new service I will be offering in addition to hypnosis counseling. The program I completed is accredited by the National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA), the same body that accredits certifications for athletic trainers, nurse practitioners, occupational therapists, registered dietitians and many other health professions.

Often a person wishes to make lifestyle changes related to exercise and nutrition in order to improve health and appearance as well as reduce stress levels. Yet it can be hard to know how to start and this is where the Health Coach can be of assistance. Services include:

-Assessing whether it is safe for you to begin a progressive exercise program.
-Helping you to identify goals and a plan to overcome obstacles.
-Providing guidelines on movement and nutrition based on sound, evidence-based research.
-Offer support and encouragement as you make lifestyle changes.

I know I learned a lot of things that I have personally found helpful in the process of this course and look forward to sharing with others. In particular, those who have repeatedly felt stuck and frustrated when it comes to creating a healthier lifestyle.

Health coaching services can be utilized as a standalone or can be integrated with traditional hypnosis services depending on your needs and preferences. I look forward to helping you move forward into your healthier future, give me a call at (732) 714-7040 if you have any questions.

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

The Egg Rescuer-A Back to School Story

Like a lot of parents, I experienced a mixture of excitement and apprehension sending the kids off to begin a new school year this week. While it is natural to worry a bit, its also important to step back and let the young people in your life struggle a bit with their challenges in and out of the classroom.

Which reminds me of a story...

Once there was a teenage girl who absolutely loved animals and she became a volunteer at an animal rescue center. She was very responsible and everyone appreciated the enthusiastic help she provided.

In the center was an incubator for bird eggs that had been abandoned by the mother or had fallen out the nest. For the past week there had been a large specimen in the incubator that had captured the girl's fascination.

What was the bird going to look like when it hatched? On this particular day she noticed the thin, flexible egg shell popping up slightly in one spot and then another-the baby bird was trying to peck his way out!

Excited, she took out her pocket knife and was going to carefully help her little bird friend escape from the egg until a voice behind cried out STOP! It was the director of the animal rescue center and she said, "thank goodness I caught you before its too late. I know you meant well, but that bird needs to struggle before it hatches or it won't be strong enough to survive afterward."

Happily the baby bird pecked his way out of the egg two days later and went on to be strong and healthy.

This story and others can be found in my e-book Hypnotic Storytelling, available at Amazon and other online booksellers.

P.S. If you or a younger chicken in your life could use some help, please feel free to connect with me by calling (732) 714-7040.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

There is a meeting of the Jersey Shore Tinnitus Support Group scheduled for this Saturday, September 9 at 11 AM in Point Pleasant Beach in the conference room at my office.

This is an opportunity to give and receive support and coping tips. There is no fee to attend but preregistration is requested which you can do by sending me an email at I will send you a set of directions when you do.

I hope all is well and hope to hear from you soon.

Best wishes,

James Malone

P.S. There are some free resource on stress relief for tinnitus you can access at