Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Tinnitus Coping Strategies-Saturday 11/14/15

To say tinnitus can cause a LOT of STRESS is an understatement. In a perfect world there would be a standard medical treatment that would just turn the ringing/buzzing off. Unfortunately, that is not an option yet.

During this free support group meeting I will be hosting on Saturday, November 14 at 11 AM, we will be exploring a number of helpful mind/body coping strategies. It will be held in the 2nd floor conference room at my office building in Point Pleasant Beach. 

Included will techniques that will show you how to:
  • Detoxify the negative emotions connected to having tinnitus.
  • Basic mindfulness meditation for stress relief.
  • Shifts in thinking that can increase your comfort.
There will also be a guided relaxation experience for any and all who wish to participate. Although there is no fee to attend, preregistration is required due to limited seating. You may do so by calling (732) 714-7040 or via email james (at) njhypnotist.com

Friday, October 23, 2015

Suggestibility Unlimited! My Latest E-Book

I just published my latest e-book entitled Suggestibility Unlimited! Written for the professional hypnotist community, it delves into ways on enhancing your use of the hypnotic pre-talk and suggestibility experiments to increase your effectiveness.

If you had adequate live training in hypnotism, the suggestibility experiments were covered. However, some practitioners do not get as much mileage out of them as they could. In my view, there are of equal and possibly greater importance than whatever formal hypnotic ritual you may be using whether it be suggestion, imagery, regression to cause or parts therapy.

In Suggestibility Unlimited! I will share some strategies that will help to increase your comfort and confidence levels while guiding your clients into a hypnotic experience where they are saying, "I know this is going to work for me because..."

My inspiration in writing this is in part due to the fact I am marking my 20th year in this field this November and I have always been grateful to those who have shared their ideas and insights with me. I fully subscribe to the notion that "a candle loses nothing lighting another candle" so nothing was held back. Happy reading!

If you have an Amazon Kindle, you can learn more at:

If you have another type of e-book reader,  the link you should follow is:

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

What Does Your Handwriting Say About You?

I've always enjoyed learning about what makes people tick, which explains my interest in hypnosis and other related topics.

Some years ago I took a course in what is known as Graphoanalysis, or the scientific study of a person's handwriting to determine the individual's talents and personality traits. 

Its been said that all handwriting is really brain writing. Take a group of kids and give them the same penmanship instruction and a few years later their writing will be as unique as their fingerprints. That is because the innermost personality influences the way we form the various strokes and circular structures. 

At times this knowledge has proven quite useful when I'm getting to know someone since it gives me a glimpse into their true selves, which most of us conceal to some degree.

I also do basic Graphoanalysis reports on the Fiverr site as a fun hobby and as way to keep my skills sharp. You can learn more by clicking here. 

Although a comprehensive report requires at least a few lines of the person's writing, a lot can be learned from their signature. I thought it would be fun to share some observations regarding the signatures of some well known individuals.

Let's start with the signature of Founding Father Ben Franklin.

You may first be impressed with the overall aesthetics of this sample, fine penmanship was considered a mark of being well-cultured at that time in history. Apart from that though, a trained eye also sees:

  • The overall slant to the right indicates Franklin was warmly emotional.
  • The size of the capital letters in the first and last names suggest high self-esteem and confidence.
  • The underscore under the signature is a sign of self-reliance.
Now let's move to one of the most reviled men in history, Adolf Hitler.

What can we learn from this sample?
  • Here we see indications of a very sharp and active mind. 
  • The extreme forward slant of the writing is a telltale sign of abnormally heightened emotional response, in Hitler's case the dominant feeling being rage. 
  • Notice the downward slope of the last name This is a sign of pessimism to a pronounced degree. In longer samples you can see Hitler's writing tended to go up and down on the page, suggestive of his infamous mood swings.

Let's now progress to two of the current front runners in the upcoming presidential race, starting with Hillary Clinton.

What can be seen in this example?
  • The straight up and down slant is found in people who are emotionally cool/detached and tend to live more in their heads rather than their hearts. 
  • The size of the capital letters relative to those in the lower case indicate a high level of self-esteem. 
  • The breaks in the writing (missing connections between some letters) are often seen in people who have a strong intuitive streak. 
In the Republican field the current favorite is real estate mogul Donald Trump. 

In Trump's signature, there are some distinct traits noted.
  • The sharp, needle-like formations pointing up and down are seen in people who are both observant and analytical. Not much gets past him. The person is literally "sharp" when you see this style of writing. 
  • Similar to Ms. Clinton, Trump also has an up and down slant in his sample, a sign a person values thought over feeling.
  • The sharp downward stroke of the p in his last name indicates bluntness, he wouldn't be very tolerant of someone who doesn't get to the point quickly.
Hope you enjoyed this little foray into some famous signatures. If you are curious and would like to learn more, click here.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Stress Relief Tip

Below is a video I recently posted on using what is known as the "4-7-8 Breath" method for relieving stress and tension.

P.S. If you are curious about the Simple Subliminal resource I mention in the video, you can learn more by visiting the Simple Subliminal page at my website.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Childhood Stress and Later Illness?

A recently published study from Harvard indicates that while stress can cause negative physiological changes to the immune system and cardiac health at any age, childhood distress has a bigger impact on the body than stress encountered later in life.

The British Cohort Study tracked approximately 6,700 Britons born the same week in 1958 for a full 45 years and interviewed them regarding the stress and distress they were encountering over those four plus decades.

Those who encountered significant stress as children were far more likely to develop heart disease and type 2 diabetes even if their adult years were relatively calm.

Remarked one of the lead researchers, "Childhood distress may be particularly important because that's when people are learning how to control their emotions."

You should not panic if your child or grandchild is undergoing a tough time-but it is important to address their stress levels proactively for both their present and future well being.

Learning how to use the skills of self-hypnosis and basic mindfulness meditation can enable your child to feel more in control and become resilient when they inevitably encounter adversity.

If you have any questions, a free, confidential phone consultation is available, call (732) 714-7040.

References for this article:


Trump's #1 Chakra?

In preparing for my upcoming class on Hypnosis and the Chakra System I began to wonder what the energy level of Donald Trump's solar plexus chakra would be? I suspect he would say that it is, "HUGE and FANTASTIC!"

In Eastern cultures it is believed that there are circular centers of subtle energy known as chakras (from the Sanskrit word for wheel) that are located throughout the body-with the major ones following a path from the base of the spine to the crown of the head.

Just as you can see that white light contains every color of the spectrum when you pass it through a prism, it is believed that the energetic field of the body manifests itself in different wavelengths too. The various organ systems of the body and their related mental states are thought to be represented by a specific frequency and color in these circular structures.

Either an excess or a deficiency of energy in a chakra is thought to create problems in mind and body.

For example, the heart chakra is said to be green in color and relates to our ability to give and receive love. An imbalance here is theorized to possibly play a role in cardiac problems as well as interfering with the quality of our relationships.

The solar plexus chakra is associated with the color yellow and relates to ambition and the claiming one's personal power, something Mr. Trump is clearly quite comfortable with. Then there are those who might suspect he has an excess of this solar plexus energy-and I'm sure he would argue rather pointedly that he is totally fine and then some!

Whether you believe in the subtle energies of the body or not, at the very least a study of the chakras encourages us to seek inner balance and to be aware of those aspects of self that need strengthening.

If you would like to learn more, please consider attending the class on Wednesday, October 21 @ 7 PM in the second floor conference room at my office building in Point Pleasant Beach. You can learn more or register through the link below.

Class Info Page