Monday, December 26, 2016

3 Reasons Why Hypnosis Will Help You Succeed in 2017

New Jersey Hypnosis for Weight Loss and Smoking Cessation

On the surface positive change seems like it should be fairly simple. Just make rational decisions based on logic and reason. Easy right? Yet as the old saying goes, "if it's such a great idea, why aren't I doing it already?"

The primary reason is that most of our behavior is automatic and subconscious. The deeper parts of the mind run habit patterns whether they are good, bad or neutral.

Hypnosis is a process that uses a naturally altered state of consciousness to introduce helpful suggestions to the subconscious mind, to give it a new direction.

Here are three ways hypnosis can support your healthy decisions:

Create positive expectation: there is a psychological phenomena called learned helplessness. Experience enough adversity and frustration and you may come to expect that is how things will continue to be in the future and that there really is no use in trying. But what would you be capable of if you knew you couldn't fail? Your drive and determination would be unstoppable. With hypnosis you get to vividly experience your future success which can be a tremendous motivator-learning to "keep you inner eye on the prize."

Deactivating subconscious cues: you may have heard of Pavlov and his famous experiments where he conditioned dogs to salivate by sound. Initially he would ring a bell and then feed the animals meat powder . Eventually a neurological connection formed where the sound alone triggered the response. These kinds of subconscious mental associations happen with humans too. Unhealthy behaviors such as smoking and overeating are often triggered by cues in our daily lives that we are scarcely aware of. Hypnosis offers some very helpful tools to release these patterns.

Controlling stress- it is well known that ongoing stress has a negative impact on the body. Yet also can have a negative impact on our decision making process. A stressed mind is not creative and will revert to its prior conditioning.  Hypnosis is an incredibly effective way of learning how to relax deeply, something many people seldom if ever do.

If you have any questions, I am here to help. A free, confidential phone consultation is available, call (732)714-7040 to learn more.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Are You Suffering from a Vitamin U Deficiency?

NJ Hypnotist for Stress and Bad Habit Release

Some of the most popular reasons why people come to the private and small group hypnosis programs I offer include:
  • Stop smoking.
  • Promoting healthy weight loss.
  • Overcoming unhealthy fears.
  • Learning to cope better with ongoing health challenges such as tinnitus, chronic pain and IBS.
But do you know what all these issues have in common?

Something I call a "Vitamin U (you) deficiency": the faulty perception that you are incapable of positive change. 

Contrary to the popular portrayal in countless books and movies, a hypnotist like myself does not have any special powers.

Rather we reconnect people like yourself with their natural ability to learn, heal, grow and reach worthwhile goals. 

Think about this: between birth and age 5 you:
  • Mastered the complex motor coordination required for walking, eating and drinking.
  • Learned how speak a foreign language and probably began to read and write it as well.
  • Developed enough "social engineering" capability so that you figured out how to live with a group of complete strangers.
Does a young child doubt their ability to learn these necessary life skills? Of course not, it was simply trial and error until you figured out how to make these things happen.

Yet somewhere along the way "trance" of self-doubt creeps in and we become convinced we are incapable of doing things we can in fact do.

Do you ever catch yourself making statement that begin with, "I am just not capable of..." ?

Then you are practicing negative self-hypnosis and programming yourself for failure!

My suspicion is that part of the problem is that culturally we are encouraged to look for external answers for most of life's problems in the form of more stuff or a pill for every ill.  Yet these solutions often fall short, do they not?

"By your own efforts, waken yourself, watch yourself. And live joyfully. You are the master"-Buddha.

A hypnosis program can help you move from helpless to hopeful, from stuck to stellar. It happens all the time and its a wonderful thing to witness. 

If you need to increase your RDA of "Vitamin U" I would be honored to help you. Call (732) 714-7040 for a free, confidential phone consultation or visit 

P.S. Free self-help hint: I find using the phrase, "I can choose to..." very helpful in challenging situations. Examples:
  • "I can choose to deal with this problem calmly, creatively and effectively," 
  • "I can choose to make this a great day."
  • "I can choose to stay on track with healthy eating even though there are temptations present." 
  • "I can choose to remain calm in spite of having this discomfort."
Remembering that in most instances you do indeed have the power of choice gives your Vitamin U levels a nice bump.