Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Is This Everyday Activity Getting You Down?

There is an excellent chance that you are doing it right now. In fact, I would bet on it. It is an everyday activity that may be aggravating your levels of stress and pessimism. Have you guessed what it is?

In the late 1800's pioneering psychologist William James put forth the idea that if you assume the physical posture associated with a particular mental state, you will begin to experience it.

For example, if you stand or sit tall with your shoulders back and put a grin on your face, your mood will most likely brighten.

The posture associated with pessimism and sadness is best illustrated by Rodin's sculpture The Thinker (see below)

Hunched over, eyes cast downward, this is the body language of defeatism. As the body slumps forward the breathing becomes restricted and shallow, which does your health no favors.

Your body may naturally assume this pose when you are troubled. However as Dr. James pointed out over 100 years ago, its a two-way street. The posture can create the mood as well.

As you may now have guessed, the common activity I mentioned at the beginning is the time we spend looking down at our smart phones and computers.

Professionals who deal with muscular and skeletal problems such a chiropractors and physical therapists use a new term, "text neck," to describe the effect excessive slumping and a forward head posture has on the body. 

So in addition to any physical problems excessive computer and smart phone use can cause, be aware too it may be having a negative effect on your mood and mind as well.

What can be done?
  • Observe good posture habits when using your phone or computer. Make sure you are not having to hunch over and have the screen closer to eye level to keep your head and neck in good alignment. Make sure your chairs and desks are "ergonomically" correct. 
  • Take frequent breaks to walk around. 
  • Explore yoga type exercises that involve back bending to improve your posture.
Remember that the division between mind and body is for the most part an arbitrary one, you have to care for all aspects of your being. 

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