Saturday, November 21, 2015

Is Hypnosis Real?

"I don't believe hypnosis is real," huffs the smirking, uber-skeptical guy, "I only go with established scientific facts and I think its all just a farce for the hopelessly gullible."

Over the years I have encountered a number of such individuals and get the impression that they derive a certain smug satisfaction out of being a buzz-kill! Yet in the past decade enough cutting edge research has been done in neuroscience that pretty much shuts down the argument that hypnosis is somehow fake.

Of particular note is an article published by Stanford University "Research supports the notion that hypnosis can alter perception" that details how modern brain imaging techniques prove that the same areas of the brain "light up" when someone is actually performing a given visual task or when a hypnotized person is asked to imagine it.

This type of research involves the use of PET scans, which can provide real time data on the the blood flow to particular regions of the brain. This increase or decrease of blood flow to those structures indicate whether they are becoming more or less active.

In other studies it has been shown that while hypnotized volunteers and a control group both showed activity in the somatosensory cortex (which processes physical sensations) when exposed to a painful stimuli, the activity of the anterior cingulate cortex (which modulates suffering-the emotional response) decreased in those who received suggestions related to pain reduction.

In the 1700's Ben Franklin sat on a French panel that was investigating the controversial healing claims of Franz Anton Mesmer, considered one of the founding fathers of what we now call hypnosis. Mesmer maintained his powers stemmed from what he described as  "animal magnetism" -a mysterious force that he was able to channel into his patients to cure their ills.

In the course of the inquiry Franklin came  to disagree with this explanation and eventually concluded that the healing effects were due to something going on in the patient's imagination. Flash forward 200 years and neuroscience not only agrees with this but proves that just because something is imagined, it doesn't mean its not real!

Hypnosis has been around in one form or another for thousands of years for a reason, it works. Its just nice that science is catching up and validating its effectiveness. Never underestimate what your mind can create, whether it be for good or ill. What would you like to create?

Do feel free to connect if you have any questions, I'm here to help! The office telephone number here is (732) 714-7040.

P.S. If you find this sort of thing interesting, do sign up for my free online Mind/Body Healing Course. 

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Extraordinary Healing, Ordinary Miracle- A Review

Extraordinary Healing, Ordinary Miracle: Choosing WellBeing Over Fighting Cancer by Patricia French Crilly, R.N. is a rather remarkable book that details the author's triumph over invasive ovarian cancer while eschewing the standard post-surgery protocol of chemo and radiation therapy.

An intriguing tale to start with, what it made it even a more fascinating read for me is that I have been lucky enough to know the author for over 10 years due to our both being members of the same organization for professional hypnotists here in New Jersey.

Nurse Crilly, as her friends often call her, begins with how being treated for a relatively minor injury eventually led to the diagnosis of a major health challenge- one that often leads to people becoming frozen in fear and pessimism.

Of particular interest to me as a professional hypnotist was her perspective on how traditional healthcare settings deliver a staggering volume of negative suggestions to people who are in a very vulnerable place in their life's journey.

Unfortunately there are still many who do not buy into the idea that the mind has a tangible impact on the health on the body, although hopefully this book will help to change that.

Due to her training in hypnosis and other natural healing arts, she was able to avoid getting stuck in a negative mindset and was able to plot her way into a place that she calls WellBeing.

She also gives considerable credit to the team of healers she assembled around herself, both allopathic and alternative, that facilitated her healing process.

I also suspect her legendary sense of humor (abundantly shared in these pages) was also played no small part in her getting well again.

I give this book my highest recommendation as the information it contains can be invaluable if you or someone care faces a life-changing health problem.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

A Hypnotic Healing Trip to the Beach-New MP3!

I just created a new MP3 audio program entitled, "A Hypnotic Healing Trip to the Beach" that you can download for home use.

Over the past 20 years I have used a number of ocean related images in my hypnotic inductions because:

  • For many people the ocean evokes a sense of strength, healing and relaxation. 
  • I am from a beach area, so it kind of comes natural to me.
  • Even for people who live near the ocean, sometimes its hard to make the time to get there.
A Hypnotic Healing Trip to the Beach evokes comforting imagery and is accompanied by soothing ambient music and natural ocean sounds. It culminates with teaching an easy to use self-hypnosis cue that can be used at any time or place.

The program is about 14 minutes in length, long enough to guide you into deep relaxation yet not so lengthy that it would interfere with your busy schedule.

The investment in A Hypnotic Healing Trip to the Beach is just $2.97 If you wish to instantly download a copy, you may do through the link below.

Buy Now
Hypnotic Healing Trip to the Beach

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Hypnotist Has Spent Past 20 Years in Trance

New Jersey Hypnotist James Malone has announced that this November marks his 20th year in the field of professional hypnotism for self-improvement, having received his initial certification through the National Guild of Hypnotists in 1995.

"Someone recently asked me what changes I have noticed in the profession since I first began," states Malone, "and there have been some interesting developments."

He shares, "back in the mid-90's when I started, 50 percent or more of the clients came in for smoking cessation, which I believe was the case for most people in the field at the time. Nowadays that figure is closer to 25 percent, with more people now seeking assistance for stress associated problems, especially those related to ongoing health challenges such as chronic pain, irritable bowel syndrome and tinnitus. Its great that people are discovering that mind/body healing methods such as hypnosis and mindfulness can be a powerful complement to their standard medical care."

Another change he approves of is "that the image of hypnosis being seen as a situation that involves losing control and doing silly things is thankfully becoming a relic of the past. The general public is beginning to accept the idea that hypnosis is really a focused state of concentration and imagination that helps people alter negative perceptions and release stress; that it enhances rather than detracts from your sense of self-control."

Malone continues, "its also been my observation that for many Americans the external stress factors in their lives have worsened in the past decade or so. The economic downturn that began 2008 hasn't really corrected itself and many folks are struggling financially even though they are willing to work hard and play by the rules. There were also many of us here at the Jersey Shore who really took a terrible hit with Super Storm Sandy 3 years ago. As a professional hypnotist I can plainly see how this "misery index' contributes to a wide variety of negative physical and emotional problems."

"However, learning the skills of self-hypnosis and mindfulness can teach you how to tame your stress response and to maintain a more optimistic outlook even when external circumstances are not as we wish and beyond our control to change. Life today demands resilience and the ability to reinvent yourself and hypnosis can help you with that."

At his his practice in Point Pleasant Beach, NJ, Malone offers private and small group sessions for a variety of stress and habit change issues. He is also the author of several well received self-help e-books and is available for private consultations and media interviews.

Monday, November 2, 2015

You are Not Fat!

I know of a local personal trainer who frequently tells her clientele that "you are not fat!"

But what if you are actually carrying an excess amount of weight on your frame, isn't the "I'm fat" statement an accurate one? Well yes and no.

Saying I AM is an identity statement like when you say you are male/female, conservative/liberal, religious/atheist, etc. You tend to conform to the expectations of that role in order to maintain consistency.

Yet fat isn't something you are, its something you currently have. For example, if you have an aching tooth you don't go to the dentist and proclaim, "I am tooth decay!"- not unless you want a psychiatric referral! Instead you would tell the dentist "I have a tooth ache."

You acknowledge you have a problem and take steps to correct it. It is absolutely no different being overweight.

Now with the holidays approaching it is time to have a plan in place so that you don't end up being stuffed like the turkey. I have two suggestions:

1) Schedule your free, confidential strategy session with me to discuss some steps you can take to stay on track. The telephone number here is (732) 714-7040.

2) Stress and tension absolutely contribute to the problem on the emotional as well as the physical levels, especially during the holidays. Believe it or not there is solid research that indicates stress relief programs can often lead to spontaneous weight reduction. I have a Stress Inoculation Clinic scheduled for the evening of Wednesday, November 18 that could be a very helpful resource for you. You can learn by Clicking Here. 

Hope to connect with you soon!