Over the years I have encountered a number of such individuals and get the impression that they derive a certain smug satisfaction out of being a buzz-kill! Yet in the past decade enough cutting edge research has been done in neuroscience that pretty much shuts down the argument that hypnosis is somehow fake.
Of particular note is an article published by Stanford University "Research supports the notion that hypnosis can alter perception" that details how modern brain imaging techniques prove that the same areas of the brain "light up" when someone is actually performing a given visual task or when a hypnotized person is asked to imagine it.
This type of research involves the use of PET scans, which can provide real time data on the the blood flow to particular regions of the brain. This increase or decrease of blood flow to those structures indicate whether they are becoming more or less active.
In other studies it has been shown that while hypnotized volunteers and a control group both showed activity in the somatosensory cortex (which processes physical sensations) when exposed to a painful stimuli, the activity of the anterior cingulate cortex (which modulates suffering-the emotional response) decreased in those who received suggestions related to pain reduction.
In the 1700's Ben Franklin sat on a French panel that was investigating the controversial healing claims of Franz Anton Mesmer, considered one of the founding fathers of what we now call hypnosis. Mesmer maintained his powers stemmed from what he described as "animal magnetism" -a mysterious force that he was able to channel into his patients to cure their ills.
In the course of the inquiry Franklin came to disagree with this explanation and eventually concluded that the healing effects were due to something going on in the patient's imagination. Flash forward 200 years and neuroscience not only agrees with this but proves that just because something is imagined, it doesn't mean its not real!
Hypnosis has been around in one form or another for thousands of years for a reason, it works. Its just nice that science is catching up and validating its effectiveness. Never underestimate what your mind can create, whether it be for good or ill. What would you like to create?
Do feel free to connect if you have any questions, I'm here to help! The office telephone number here is (732) 714-7040.
P.S. If you find this sort of thing interesting, do sign up for my free online Mind/Body Healing Course.