Wednesday, December 26, 2018

SHE HAD LOST HER PHONE! A fun case of some waking hypnosis reviewed

One fascinating aspect of what we call the subconscious mind is that it can work on a problem or challenge without our conscious awareness that it is doing so. Recently I had an incident that demonstrates this beautifully.

Let me start off by saying that when you offer professional hypnosis services, it is usually advised you don't attempt to work with close friends or family members as it can blur personal boundaries. However there are situations where its OK to make an exception.

This past weekend one my daughters reported one of the most stressful things that can happen to a teenager in this day and age- SHE HAD LOST HER PHONE! The last thing she remembered was using her phone to call me for a ride home Friday evening after visiting some friends.

Usually I am able to find lost objects pretty easily, for some reason I have always had a knack for this. Yet this one had me stumped. Along with the rest of the household, I searched high and low but to no avail.  SHE HAD LOST HER PHONE!

Sensing her mounting frustration, I asked her if she would be willing to try something like hypnosis and she agreed.

I had her sit and close her eyes and told to take a few easy breaths in order to relax. Next, I had her recollect the events of the evening. We had gone out to dinner as a family prior to her going to the friend's house, so I asked to remember what she had ate, what music playing in the car. These were seemingly insignificant details, but I figured doing this would trigger memory associations.

Next we reviewed what we went on at the friends house, the ride home after and what she did when she returned.  A couple of times she would draw a blank so I would have her rewind and go back to the beginning of the evening and review what we knew and more details would emerge.

Eventually she remembered she had fallen asleep while watching a movie. Later on she awoke briefly in the middle of the night and got up to change into her pajamas and recalled hearing something fall from her bed and go bump on the floor.  As this detail emerged she got kind of puzzled look on her face.

At this point I had her open her eyes and said we would pick up on this later and offered the suggestion that when we focus on something intently for awhile, other information often pops up on its own later on.

At this point I had to head out for an hour or so run some errands and when I returned guess who had FOUND HER PHONE? After I had left she reported she had been brushing her hair while looking in the mirror when all of sudden a thought came to her that the phone slid under a bookcase when she heard the bump in the night. Lo and behold that is exactly where it was.

She reported that this 'paranormal experience' as she described it was a bit unsettling, nevertheless she was happy that she had FOUND HER PHONE.

Actually what happened was perfectly natural and a wonderful demonstration of how the subconscious mind can be a magnificent problem solving tool, especially when we give a challenge our full attention for a time and then relax and let it go for awhile.

Numerous artists and inventors have reported a similar chain of events when they experienced their greatest inspirations and breakthroughs. 

Would you like to learn how to harness more of your natural abilities? Please give me a call at (732) 714-7040 so we can discuss whether hypnosis can help you as it has so many others. 

Friday, November 30, 2018

Mind Over Munchies?

Can your beliefs and expectations about what you are about to eat have a tangible effect on your appetite? Or is it just a matter of straightforward math as to calories in and the level of satisfaction?

The placebo effect is where someone's positive belief about a medication or other form of treatment initiates a healing response even though that intervention is not actually proven to be effective on its own.

It is now known placebos are not just a matter of people being tricked into wellness as was once believed. In response to thought processes, the mind and body produces a host of powerful biochemical reactions.  For example, the belief a sugar pill will combat pain will trigger the body to produce endorphins, the self-produced version of morphine.

Yet it seems the inner mechanism that allows placebos to work is not limited to medical treatments. Research suggests your thoughts about what you eat has an important effect as well.

In a study at Yale, a group of volunteers were fed a 380 calorie milkshake on 2 separate occasions. One half of the participants were given a label that read that their shake was "indulgent" and contained 620 calories. The other half received a label stating the shake was "sensible" and had only 140 calories.

Their levels of ghrelin, a hormone that stimulates appetite was measured 3 times. The first was during the time they read the label, the second as they drank the shake and a third reading was done afterward.

The result was that those drinking the indulgent shake had a steep decline in ghrelin (which would mean reduced hunger)  while the "sensible" group had a relatively flat response, meaning they would most likely be just as hungry afterward.

This result led the researchers to conclude that the effect of food consumption on ghrelin levels may have a strong psychological component.

What can you possibly take away from this? One possibility is that cultivating the practice eating mindfully and with a sense of enjoyment may be much more effective in reducing appetite than obsessing on calorie counts.

Please feel free to connect if you would like to learn more. I can be reached at (732) 714-7040.

Reference for this article:

Crum, A.J. et al. (2011) Mind over milkshakes: Mindsets, not just nutrients determine ghrelin response. Health Psychology, 30, 4, 424-429.

Monday, September 3, 2018

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

A Wish or a Desire?

There is a Zen story where a young novice approaches the master asking how he could achieve his wish of experiencing true enlightenment.

Without a word the master roughly grabbed the young man and dunked his head underwater in a nearby horse trough. He struggled for some time until the master released him, sputtering and gasping for air.

"When you desire enlightenment as much as you craved air just a moment ago, then you will find it," said the elder monk.

A bit extreme and not very nice if you ask me, but it does raise a question. What is the difference between a wish and a desire?

It may seem like a bit of semantics, but a wish is kind of weak and passive where a desire is strong and all consuming.

You may want greater health or success, but has it been a wish or a desire? This is an important distinction because in order to make significant change you have to overcome the natural tendency to fall into predictable ruts.  Emotion and passion is what will drive you out of the rut.

Yet this raises another question. What curbs our desires?

In Dr Rolf Alexader's classic book The Healing Power of the Mind (1989), the author notes that the subconscious mind will sometimes withdraw desire as a protective measure, when the fear of disappointment is greater than whatever emotional or physical pain you are going through.

This can explain why people often remain stuck even though the reasons to change far outweigh those to stay the same. People know they should stop smoking, eat and exercise well, be more confident and so on. However, reasoning is a conscious mind function and when it comes into conflict with subconscious programming, the latter almost always wins.

Hypnosis can help you quell those fears of failure and other negative conditioning. Having an experienced hypnosis practitioner in your corner can frequently help you make a significant breakthrough. If you would like to learn more, I am here to help. Call me directly at (732) 714-7040 for a free and confidential Life Enhancement Strategy Session.

Saturday, June 30, 2018

Hypnosis and Nausea Relief?

Getting sick to your stomach is one of the most unpleasant experiences going. Yet did you know that in certain cases hypnosis may offer significant relief?

More frequently than not vomiting is a protective and potentially life saving involuntary response. Often it occurs when we are exposed to a pathogen (stomach bug) or ingest an excess of alcohol or something else that is toxic in high enough doses.  The body is purging itself of something it recognizes as harmful and this should not be suppressed. 

However there are also two fairly common situations where nausea is not productive and can actually do more harm than good. One goes by the medical term of hyperemesis gravidium, but is better known as morning sickness in pregnant women. The other is the nausea that occurs as a side effect of chemotherapy in the treatment of cancer. 

With both morning sickness and cancer treatment there is a physical reason for the nausea. A woman's body undergoes dramatic changes in order to carry a baby. Cancer can be a tenacious disease, so the drugs used to treat it need to be powerful as well.

Yet due to the way the brain works, by unconsciously matching patterns, it is possibly for the nausea to start being initiated by environmental and emotional cues that are simply associated with but not actually related to the original chemical trigger. Its as if stress and negative expectation teaches a person to get nauseous in once pleasant or neutral situations. 

(Note: excessive stress  and the subsequent fight or flight response in and of itself often manifests in all manner of disturbances in the digestive tract, including nausea)

This can be highly problematic, making it difficult for a woman to endure a wanted pregnancy and can interfere with the nutritional needs of both herself and the new life she is bringing into the world. 

Cancer patients may want to discontinue necessary medical treatment and they too have heightened nutritional needs.

Where hypnosis comes into play, is that it is the most effective method of neutralizing unconscious triggers because it addresses them at their source. There are a number of highly effective techniques that can help you experience significant relief and in my practice I have seen good results in just one or two visits.

If you would like to learn more, please give me a call at (732) 714-7040 for a free, confidential phone consultation. 

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Life Enhancement Hypnosis-New Book Release!

Have you been curious as to whether hypnosis can enable you to change bad habits, alleviate unhealthy stress or improve your self-confidence? Hypnosis often helps people when nothing else has worked, but it is a topic that is often shrouded in mystery.

I am pleased to announce the release of Life Enhancement Hypnosis, an anthology of articles written by experienced hypnosis practitioners on topics for which they have a passion for working with and a high level of expertise. Included are:

Change the Meaning and Release the Stress by Dr. Patrick Conte, M.D., Ph.D.
How Our Brain Interprets Reality by Elaine Billy
Hypnosis for Children by Annette Bergstein
Only the Shadow Knows by Tony DeMarco, LLB, Ph.D.
Hypnosis for Performing and Visual Artists by John Kalinowski
Release the Fear That's Limiting Your Life by Rhoda Kopy
All Hypnosis is Self-Hypnosis by Roseann Petropolous
The Language of Change Creation by James Malone

Learn whether you too can benefit from Life Enhancement Hypnosis like so many others have. You may download a free digital copy at: