Friday, July 21, 2017

Are You Really Ready for a Change?

If you have been considering using hypnosis to help you reach your healthy goals, its only natural to wonder how effective are the programs for your goal or issue.

A lot of times people ask if some are more receptive to hypnosis than others. While there are indeed those folks who seem more open to the process, experience has shown that being able to go into the "deeper" levels of trance is not really what decides whether someone succeeds or not.

Instead you should examine whether you are really ready to change at this time.  No matter what type of personal improvement program you begin, your readiness and willingness is going to be a major factor.

The quiz provided below will give you an idea if you are a good candidate for a personal transformation at this time.

Use the key at the end of the quiz to help better understand what stage you might be in.

1. Regarding my awareness about this behavior:
a. Others have suggested that I have a problem behavior but I don’t agree.
b. I might have a problem behavior but I am not sure.
c. I have a problem behavior.
2. When a loved one or trusted friend suggests that I may have a problem behavior …
a. I am likely to tune them out, change the subject or get defensive.
b. I don’t like it, but I know that they see something that worries them and are right in expressing concern.
c. I am ready to listen and talk about it.
3. This problem behavior …
a. is really just a nuisance and I don’t have time to deal with it.
b. is causing me worry and/or distress.
c. is causing me, and some of the people I care about, significant worry and/or distress.
4. When I think about my problem behavior …
a. I usually make excuses, rationalize or minimize its impact on my life.
b. I want to change but I don’t because of fear, pride or lack of motivation.
c. I really want to change but don’t know how to begin or continue once I start.
5. Regarding knowledge of my problem behavior:
a. I know very little about it.
b. I have begun learning more about it.
c. I have learned a great deal about it.
6. Regarding my knowledge of resources for my problem:
a. I don’t know of any resources.
b. I have learned about some of the resources available but don’t feel I have enough information.
c. I have more than adequate knowledge about how or where to get help.
7. Regarding my current motivation for change:
a. I have practically no, or very little, motivation at this time.
b. I have some motivation to change but I will need more to succeed.
c. I am very motivated to change.
8. Regarding my current plans to change:
a. At this time, I have no plans to change.
b. I am thinking about change and the impact it would have on my life.
c. I have a definite plan for change.
9. Regarding my support for change from others:
a. I have almost no support from others.
b. I have some support but it may not be enough.
c. I have excellent support.
10. Regarding previous attempts to change:
a. I have never seriously attempted to change this behavior.
b. I have tried to change on one or more occasions but have failed miserably.
c. I have tried to change before and have had some temporary success.
Scoring key
If you answered “a” to any question, give yourself 1 point.
If you answered “b” to any question, give yourself 5 points.
If you answered “c” to any question, give yourself 10 points.
Total your score. If your score is:
10-15 points, you are in the precontemplation stage. Your score suggests that you are not yet ready to engage in changing this problem behavior.
16-40 points, you are in the contemplation stage. Your score suggests that you are considering changing this behavior but are not quite ready. People in this stage seek knowledge and  additional encouragement before they engage in behavior change.

A suggestion: you might find one of my free e-courses helpful if you are in the contemplation stage. Each delivers a series of short, to the point lessons to your mailbox that may inspire you to move to the next level, hope is realistic!  You can sign up through the links below.

Stop Smoking Course:

Thinking Thin Weight Loss:

Mind/Body Healing Report:

41-100 points, you are in the preparation stage. Congratulations. Your score suggests that you are preparing to change this behavior. People in this stage have acquired additional knowledge and support and have a viable plan.

Hypnosis may be help you reach your goals as it has for so many others. Please give me a call at (732) 714-7040 for a complimentary Life Enhancement Strategy Session we can conduct over the phone or fill out the form at

Sources: Changing for Good by J.O. Prochaska, J. C. Norcross, and C.C. DiClemente. Morrow, 1994; The Transtheoretical Approach: Crossing the Traditional Boundaries of Therapy by J.O. Prochaska and C.C. DiClemente. Krieger Publishing Company, 1984.

Monday, July 17, 2017

Is it Hunger or Appetite? A Crucial Weight Loss Skill

The ability to tell the difference between hunger and appetite is a crucial skill when it comes to reaching and maintaining a healthy body weight. Yet initially it may be difficult for you to make this important distinction.

Hunger can be defined as the signal your body sends out when it needs food for fuel and repair. If you go too long without food, you may actually begin to feel lightheaded or weak.

Appetite is the desire to eat apart from natural hunger and can be triggered by emotions, thoughts and circumstances such as location, other people and time of day.

You will succeed in weight loss when you eat primarily from hunger rather than appetite. So how do you tell the difference?

One trait of hunger is that it gradually builds.  This is where what may be called the "20 minute rule" can be helpful. If you get the sudden urge to eat,  ask yourself, "did I want to eat 20 minutes ago?" If the answer is no, then most likely appetite is at work.

Another way to figure out the if it is hunger or appetite is whether you are being picky at that moment.

Let's imagine a situation where you have a friend who is not all that fond of apples.

He says, "I am really hungry, do you have anything to eat?" so you offer him an apple and he replies, "nah, I don't want that, do you have anything else?"

At this point we can safely guess that he is mistaking appetite for hunger because someone who has been stuck on a desert island for a week without proper rations would grab that Granny Smith in a heartbeat! That would be real hunger.

With some practice you can learn to appreciate your body's natural hunger signals and learn to avoid the extremes of being ravenous or stuffing yourself to the point of being uncomfortable. This is one of the essential practices in healthy weight loss and something I cover with my clients. Enhanced awareness of hunger vs. appetite can enable you to come with effective strategies for situations where you previously got off track.

If you would like to learn more, please give me a call at (732) 714-7040 for a complimentary Life Enhancement Strategy Session or fill out the form and I will get back to you ASAP

Saturday, July 8, 2017

Access Your Free Life Enhancement Strategy Starter Kit

Are you at a place where you are testing the waters when it comes to make a personal transformation whether it be quitting smoking, losing weight or releasing unhealthy stress or fears?

The Life Enhancement Strategy Starter Kit can provide with insights on how hypnosis can help you move forward and whether it is right for you. It includes:

-Is Hypnosis Right for You? A concise e-book that explains the how and why of hypnosis when it comes to personal change.

-The 7 Minute Stress Buster mp3. This audio program allows you to try a brief hypnosis session at home to experience what it feels like. 

-Readiness to Change Quiz. A short series of questions that will give you deeper clarity about your current situation.

This download is free, instantly access your copy through the Add To Cart button below

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